strmqbrk (Start broker function)
Use the strmqbrk command to start a broker, either as a restart after an endmqbrk command (in which case control information is maintained) or initially. On iSeries, the command name is STRMQMBRK.
On WebSphere MQ for Windows, the strmqbrk command can be added to the reference command file used when starting a queue manager automatically.
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows
>>-strmqbrk--+--------------------+--+--------------+---------->< '- -p ParentQMgrName-' '- -m QMgrName-'
Optional parameters
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows
- -p ParentQMgrName
- The name of the queue manager that provides the parent broker function.
Before we can add a broker to the network, channels in both directions must exist between the queue manager that hosts the new broker, and the queue manager that hosts the parent. See Adding a broker to a network for more details.
On restart, this parameter is optional. If present, it must be the same as it was when previously specified. If this is the root-node broker, the queue manager specified becomes its parent. We cannot specify the name of the parent broker when you use triggering to start a broker.
When a parent has been specified, it is possible to change parentage only in exceptional circumstances in conjunction with the clrmqbrk command.
By changing a root node to become the child of an existing broker, two hierarchies can be joined. This propagates subscriptions across the two hierarchies, which now become one. After that, publications start to flow across them. To ensure predictable results, it is essential that you quiesce all publishing applications at this time. If the changed broker detects a hierarchical error (that is, if the new parent is found also to be a descendant), it immediately shuts down. The administrator must then use clrmqbrk at both the changed broker and the new, false parent to restore the previous status. Note that a hierarchical error is detected by propagating a message up the hierarchy, which can complete only when the relevant brokers and links are available.
- -m QMgrName
- The name of the queue manager for which the broker function is to be started. If you do not specify this parameter, the command is routed to the default queue manager.
>>-STRMQMBRK--+----------------------------+--------------------> '- PARENTMQM(ParentQMgrName)-' >--+--------------------+-------------------------------------->< '- MQMNAME(QMgrName)-'
Optional parameters
- PARENTMQM (ParentQMgrName)
- The name of the queue manager that provides the parent broker function.
Before we can add a broker to the network, channels in both directions must exist between the queue manager that hosts the new broker, and the queue manager that hosts the parent. See Adding a broker to a network for more details.
On restart, this parameter is optional. If present, it must be the same as it was when previously specified. If this is the root-node broker, the queue manager specified becomes its parent. We cannot specify the name of the parent broker when you use triggering to start a broker.
When a parent has been specified, it is possible to change parentage only in exceptional circumstances in conjunction with the clrmqbrk command.
By changing a root node to become the child of an existing broker, two hierarchies can be joined. This propagates subscriptions across the two hierarchies, which now become one. After that, publications start to flow across them. To ensure predictable results, it is essential that you quiesce all publishing applications at this time. If the changed broker detects a hierarchical error (that is, if the new parent is found also to be a descendant), it immediately shuts down. The administrator must then use clrmqbrk at both the changed broker and the new, false parent to restore the previous status. Note that a hierarchical error is detected by propagating a message up the hierarchy, which can complete only when the relevant brokers and links are available.
- The name of the queue manager for which the broker function is to be started. If you do not specify this parameter, the command is routed to the default queue manager.
Return codes
- 0
- Command completed normally
- 10
- Command completed with unexpected results
- 20
- An error occurred during processing
strmqbrk -p parentQM
Starts the broker on the default queue manager specifying that it is a child of the broker on parentQM. strmqbrk -m exampleQM
Starts the broker on exampleQM. We can use the runmqbrk command to run the broker synchronously in the foreground. runmqbrk takes the same parameters as strmqbrk.