HomeBroker configuration stanza
On UNIX systems, broker parameters are controlled by the Broker stanza of the queue manager configuration file, qm.ini.
On Windows, we can view and update these settings using the Broker page of the queue manager properties in WebSphere MQ Explorer.
- Right-click the queue manager and select Properties.
- Select Broker in the left-hand pane of the dialog. The Broker properties are displayed in the right-hand pane.
- If you make any changes to the values, click Apply then OK.
Broker: MaxMsgRetryCount=5 StreamsPerProcess=1 OpenCacheSize=128 OpenCacheExpiry=300 PublishBatchSize=5 PublishBatchInterval=0 ChkPtMsgSize=100000 ChkPtActiveCount=400 ChkPtRestartCount=40 RoutingExitPath=/opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqspsra(RoutingExit) RoutingExitConnectType=STANDARD RoutingExitAuthorityCheck=no RoutingExitData=My routing exit string data SyncPointIfPersistent=no DiscardNonPersistentInputMsg=no DLQNonPersistentResponse=yes DiscardNonPersistentResponse=no DLQNonPersistentPublication=yes DiscardNonPersistentPublication=no GroupId=nobody JmsStreamPrefix=JMSYou do not need to list parameters if you are using their default values. Any parameters that you do list are checked for validity. A blank entry is not valid.