Assembling Web services applications based on Web Services for J2EE

This topic explains how to assemble a Web services application that is based on the Web Services for J2EE specification.

You can assemble Web Services for J2EE modules with the Assembly Toolkit which replaces the Application Assembly Tool (AAT). The Assembly Toolkit is one of the tools available with the Application Server Toolkit product. .

To assemble Web services applications...

  1. Start the Assembly Toolkit.

  2. Assemble a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file.

  3. Assemble a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file into an EAR file.

  4. (Optional) Enable the EAR file. When the EAR file contains EJB modules, it must have the Web services endpoint WAR file added with the endptEnabler command-line tool or Assembly Toolkit before deployment.

  5. Assemble a Web services-enabled WAR file.

  6. Assemble a Web services-enabled WAR file into an EAR file.

A Web services-enabled EAR file that you can deploy into WebSphere Application Server.

Deploy the Web services-enabled EAR file into WAS.


See Also

Assembling a Web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file
Assembling a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from Java code
Assembling Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from WSDL
Assembling a Web services-enabled WAR file when starting from Java code
Assembling a Web services-enabled WAR file when starting from WSDL
Warning: no string named [tatkstart] found.
Deploying Web services based on Web Services for J2EE
ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi assembly properties