Upgrading process for Multi-platforms

Before upgrading...

  • Backup your current IWWCM data.
  • Ensure that you refer to the Release-Notes for details on any particular upgrade steps that may exist between particular releases.
  • Test your upgrade in a test environment before upgrading your production environment.
You can upgrade from any previous version of IWWCCM.

To upgrade IWWCM, the following steps are required:

Backup your current data repository You should always backup or copy your current IWWCM data prior to upgrading.

IWWCM does not have a backup feature. You should backup your data using whatever backup solution is recommended by the data repository you are using to store IWWCM data.

You should also copy or backup the [ILWWCM_HOME]\connect\users folder. This will be required for User Migration.

Install IWWCM Install a new instance of WebSphere Portal and IWWCCM. See the Installation section for further information.
Configure your Data Repository By default, IWWCM uses Cloudscape as a data repository. transfer your old Web Content Management data into your new IWWCM application.

JDBC Databases.

The IWWCM Repository configuration task updates the Web Content Management configuration to use different JDBC data repositories such as DB2.

You need to run this task to configure your new IWWCM application to use your current JDBC data repository data. See the Repository configuration task topic for further information. This task can be used in different ways:

  • The simplest method is to use the command "config-wcm-repository" to configure your new IWWCM application to use your current data repository. You will then need to migrate your user data (See below.)
  • A second option would be to use the command "config-wcm-repository" to configure your new IWWCM application to use your current data repository. You can then use either "transfer-wcm-to-existing-repository" or "transfer-wcm-to-new-repository" to transfer this data to a different database. You will then need to migrate your user data (See below.)
  • A third option is to physically copy your current data repository to a new database and then run the "config-wcm-repository" command to configure your new IWWCM application to use the new database as the data repository. You will then need to migrate your user data (See below.)

File System Data.

If you data is currently stored on a file system, run the "transfer-wcm-filesystem-to-cloudscape" command. This will transfer your file system data to a new Cloudscape database. See the Repository configuration task topic for further information. You will then need to migrate your user data (See below.)

If you would like to transfer File System data to a JDBC database, follow these instructions, and then use the "transfer-wcm" task to transfer the Cloudscape data to another JDBC database. See the Repository configuration task topic for further information.

If you would like to transfer File System data to an IBM Content Manager data repository, follow these instructions, and then setup a second IWWCM application using Content Manager as a data repository. (See the next item.) You then Syndicate the data from the application using JDBC as a data repository to the application using Content Manager.

IBM Content Manager.

To transfer data from an IBM Content Manager data repository you will need to follow the instructions in the IBM Content Manager Configuration Options topic.
Migrate your IWWCM users and update IWWCM items After configuring your data repository, you will then need to migrate any existing IWWCM users to WebSphere Member Manager. Any changes to user or group names will need to be updated in IWWCM items. See the User Migration topic for further information.
Test your upgraded data IWWCM has a set of tools that are used to test and correct for various errors in IWWCM data. See the Web Content Management Tools topic for further information.


Optional Steps

The following steps are optional and are not required for all upgrades:

Enable VControl

The aptrixjpe.properties file can be edited to enable the VControl of different items.

To enable VControl, add com.aptrix.versioncontrol.VersioningControl to any of the control.[item] settings.

E.g. - control.Content=com.aptrix.versioncontrol.VersioningControl

Only Items created after enabling VControl are version-enabled. If you did not have VControl enabled prior to upgrading your data, you will need to run the Versioning Enablement tool by entering the following URL in a browser:

This will version-enable your old IWWCM data.

To view a report only, use this URL:

Enable Workflow Control

The aptrixjpe.properties file can be edited to enable Workflows to be applied to different items.

To enable the Workflow features, add com.aptrix.pluto.workflow.WorkflowControl to one of the control.[item] settings.

E.g. - control.Content=com.aptrix.pluto.workflow.WorkflowControl

Only Items created after enabling Workflow Control are Workflow-enabled. If you did not have Workflow Control enabled prior to upgrading your data, you will need to run the Workflow Enablement tool.

To enable Workflow control for each control setting in aptrixjpe.properties that has Workflow control enabled, enter the following URL in a browser:


always specify a workflow name in the URL. Any existing items will have this Workflow applied to them. You cannot specify different Workflows for different Items. If you have further Workflows to apply to items, add them manually. The following parameters are optional:

  • &stage=stagename

    This will change the status of any items to the Workflow Stage specified here. If not specified, then the status will default to the first workflow stage.

  • &restrictOn=This allows you to restrict the Workflow enablement to any of the following item types:

    • Content - &restrictOn=Content
    • Presentation Templates - &restrictOn=Style
    • Authoring Templates - &restrictOn=Template
    • Taxonomy - &restrictOn=Taxonomy
    • Category - &restrictOn=Category
    • Site - &restrictOn=Site
    • Site Area - &restrictOn=SiteArea
    • Workflow - &restrictOn=Workflow
    • Workflow Stage - &restrictOn=WorkflowStage
    • Workflow Action - &restrictOn=WorkflowAction
    • Library Components - &restrictOn=Cmpnt
    Multiple item types can be selected as follows: &restrictOn=Content,Style,Cmpnt

To view a report only, remove "&fix=true" from the URL.

If Workflowing is enabled for the following items, a Workflow view will not be available in the Item Views Navigator.

Individual items can still be moved through Workflow Stages by accessing them through the normal Item Views and approving them.


Upgrading a z/OS Installation

Refer to the Upgrading Process for z/OS topic for information on upgrading to a IWWCM application on z/OS.

Parent topic: Upgrading.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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