Web Content Management Tools


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The Reference Checker Tool

The Reference Checker tool checks that all references in an object are valid and removes any invalid references. For example references to objects that don't exist are removed. It then re-saves the object so that the reference registry (a quick lookup for references) is updated with the valid references. This process also adds missing valid references to the registry.

To view a report:


To correct Reference errors, use the following URL:



The Site Checker Tool

The Site Checker performs integrity checking on the Site Framework. It performs three main tasks:

  1. Ensures that all Sites are valid. (That their default content resides within the Site.)

  2. Finds orphaned Site Areas. (Site Areas which don't have a parent.)

  3. Looks for Site Areas that are disassociated from the Site Framework index. (Site Areas that have a parent, but aren't in the Site Framework index.)

When run in fix mode, Sites that are invalid have their default content removed, orphaned Site Areas are re-added to Site Framework under a new Site ("Unlinked Site Areas") and Site Areas that are disassociated from the Site Framework are re-added into the Site Framework.

To view a report...


To correct Site errors, use the following URL:



The Resource Checker Tool

The Resource Checker performs integrity checking on resources...

  1. Finds orphaned resources. (Resources which are not referred to by any item.)

  2. Finds orphaned resource byte content. (Resource byte content which do not have an corresponding resource.)

  3. Rebuilds...


    ...which contains copies of unrestricted resources. Performed during fix mode only.

When run in fix mode, the resources directory is rebuilt and orphaned resources and resource byte content are removed. To view a report, use the following URL:

To correct Resource errors, use the following URL:



The Member Fixer Tool

The Member Fixer Tool checks whether any Member Manager Users or Groups referenced in Web Content Management items have been renamed or deleted from Member Manager: To view a report, use the following URL:


To update changes to Member Manager Users and Groups in Web Content Management items, use the following URL:



The Locale Conversion Tool

This tool is used to update Workflow and Security parameters in Web Content Management items when the locale of a Web Content Management server is changed: To view a report, use the following URL:


The Language and Region attributes are case sensitive and must follow the Locale information standard. To update Workflow and Security parameters in Web Content Management items, use the following URL:


For example, if a Web Content Management server's locale is changed from Simplified Chinese to another locale, the following command is run:


If a language does not require a country attribute, then the Region attribute is not required. E.g. - if a Web Content Management server's locale is changed from English to another locale, the following command is run:


Parent topic: Administration.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


Workplace Web Content Management is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.


IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.