Navigator Components

Navigators are devices for letting users navigate their way around a Site Framework. They use the Site Framework to create links to different areas in your site. Navigators provide a way for you to show relevant parts of the Site Framework as the user moves around the site without having to create the links manually. As the links are generated from the Site Framework, changing the Site Framework automatically means all navigators in your site will now reflect your new site structure.

Note that Navigators are not menus. Menus are a list of hyperlinks that take you to specific pages. Navigators can also be hyperlinks that can take you to specific pages but navigators are organized differently. Navigators present the logical arrangement of a web site whereas menus are a list of related web pages in your site.

The Navigator Component is configured by selecting a start area and determining a child depth, a parent level, and a sibling value relative to the start area. Possible start areas are Sites, Site Areas, or Content items. The selected start area must be in the same site that the Navigator Component will be used in.

There are also options to determine if the start area is to be displayed, if content items are to be displayed, and if the hierarchy from the start area to the current site area should be expanded.

A set of component designs is used to format the information for each branch of a Navigator. A component design is essentially a Rich Text Component that contains XML tags that refer to a value to be displayed in the Navigator.

Navigators display links to different Site Areas in a Site. As such, each Site Area in a Site should have a Default Content item. Otherwise, some links in a Navigator will not work.

Parent topic: Component Types.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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