Navigator Component Options


Start Options

The Start Type can either be:


This starts the navigator from the top of your Site Framework.


The navigator starts at either the current Content, or the current Site Area's default Content.


The navigator starts at the site area that you define.


Ancestors, Parents, Descendants, Children and Siblings

The Site Areas and Content that comprise a site can be classified into Ancestors, Descendents, Parents, Children and Siblings. The vertical hierarchy of a site is split into Ancestors and Descendants. Depending on where you are within your site, Site Areas can act as both Parents and Children.

Ancestor Ancestors are the top levels of a Site Framework.
Parent A Parent is an item's immediate Ancestor.
Descendant Descendants are the Site Areas below a Parent.
Child A Child is an item's immediate Descendant.
Sibling Site Areas that share the same Parent are known as Siblings.

In this example:

  • Music and Art are the children of Home

  • Music is a child of Home, but it is also a parent of Alternative and Rock

  • Home and Music are the ancestors of Alternative and Rock

  • Art is not a parent because it does not have children.

  • Music, Alternative, Rock and Art are all descendants of Home.

  • Music

    • Alternative.
    • Rock.
  • Art.

Parent topic: Navigator Components.

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