WAS configuration


Now that the underlying messaging system has been constructed, the components within WAS can be put together to provide the complete platform for Trade3 to run on.

Note Before setting up any infrastructure, the Trade3 application needs to be altered to use durable instead of non-durable subscriptions. Open up the EAR file using WebSphere Studio Application Developer or the Application Server toolkit and edit the EJB deployment descriptor. On the Beans panel, change the subscription of the TradeStreamerMDB to durable. Save the file then export the new EAR file.

There are four appservers that are going to be deployed. Each of them uses the messaging system in a slightly different way to reduce single points of failure in the topology. This means effective use of the scope setting for each QCF, TCF, queue and topic. Whilst running through these steps keep in mind the overall picture as this is a complicated configuration. Figure 15-24 shows what JMS provider objects need to be configured to get this topology to work.

Figure 15-24 Usage of JMS provider objects in sample topology


Setup Trade3 cluster part 1

In the first example it was possible to use the scripts that come with Trade3.1 to do a lot of the work. Unfortunately the scripts will not assist this time around so the creation of the cluster will be done in two stages, creating the cluster and the first server, then adding new cluster members later on. The advantage of this is that all resources defined at server scope will be copied over to the new servers.

1. Using the WebSphere Administrative Console create a new cluster called Trade3Cluster. During the creation of that cluster create one new cluster member called Trade3Server1 on node app1. See 7.5, Configuring WebSphere clusters if you have questions on how to configure a cluster.

2. When completed save the configuration.


Configure JDBC resources

Trade3 needs access to a database to work. There is a script that comes with the Trade3.1 package that will setup the necessary JDBC resources, it is called createTrade3RDBMSResources.jacl. Its syntax is:

wsadmin -f createTrade3RDBMSResources.jacl dbtype <-cell | nodeName> 
rdbmsDriverClassPath rdbmsUser rdbmsPassword \[oracledbhost\] \[oraclesid\]

In this example there are two nodes. On each node the location of DB2 driver classes is exactly the same, so to save on configuration the JDBC resources can be created at cell level. For this environment it was done using the command:

wsadmin -f t3installl\createTrade3RDBMSResources.jacl db2 -cell 
c:/progra~1/sqllib/java/db2java.zip db2admin db2admin

To complete the setup of the database access, the Trade database needs to be catalogued locally on each of the clients. Refer to 7.7, Installing and configuring Trade3.1 for details on how to do this.


Configure JMS resources part 1

The first task is to identify how many JMS components need defining within the cell.


By looking at Figure 15-16 it is possible to see that for point-to-point messaging each of the appservers need to access the WebSphere MQ cluster in a different way. This is because each possible combination of two queue managers and two forms of communication needs to be covered (CLIENT and BINDINGS). This is achieved by creating all the relevant QCF objects at the server scope, making them visible only to that server.


For publish/subscribe messaging, the MDB has a durable subscription. Each appserver needs to receive a copy of any published message so TCFs cannot be shared. Four application servers means there needs to be four durable subscriptions, each made unique by the client ID set on the TCF. (as the MDB name is the same - cloned application). This means defining the TCF objects at the server scope level as well. More information on this can be found in Client ID and Enable Clone support on a TCF.

Queues and topics

Finally the queue destination and topic destination contain no information that is specific to a particular appserver, so these can be configured at cell level.

Follow these steps to create the necessary listener ports and JMS provider objects on Trade3Server1.

After completing these steps, Trade3Server1 will be used as a template to create the other servers and the final changes will be made. This will include configuring dedicated QCFs and TCFs for the listener ports to use. As discussed in Use separate QCF and TCF for MDBs this allows for specific configuration of a QCF or TCF for listener port usage and makes defining the size of the connection and session pools simpler.

1. Open the WebSphere Administrative Console, expand Resources and select WebSphere MQ JMS Provider.

2. Set the scope to Server Trade3Server1 (on Node app1) and press Apply.

Figure 15-25 Set the scope level to app1, Trade3Server1

3. Select WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories.

4. Create two new QCFs using the information from Table 15-5 and Table 15-6. One is for use by the listener port. If a field is not specified then use its default value.

Table 15-5 TradeBrokerQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerQCF
JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Transport Type BINDINGS
Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Enable XA True

Table 15-6 TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF
JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerLPQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Transport Type BINDINGS
Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Enable XA True

5. Go back into TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF by clicking TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF. Select Connection Pool from the Additional Properties pane.

6. Change Min Connections to 1 and Max Connections to 2. The listener port will need only one connection. Press OK.

7. Select Session Pools, again from the Additional Properties.

8. Change Min Connections to 1 and Max Connections to 5. The listener port will only need at most 5 sessions as this will be defined by the maximum sessions setting on the listener port. Press OK and then OK again.

9. Go back to the WebSphere MQ JMS Provider and select WebSphere MQ Topic Connection Factories.

10. Create two new TCFs using the information in Table 15-7 and Table 15-8. One is for use by the listener port. If a field is not specified then use its default value.

Table 15-7

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF
JNDI Name jms/TradeStreamerLPTCF
Transport Type BINDINGS
Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Broker Queue Manager WBRK_QM
Broker Publication Queue SOCCER_PUBLICATION (Name of the queue that was setup on WBRK_QM. It is being monitored by the broker based on the sample message flow).
Broker Subscription Queue SOCCER_SUBSCRIPTION
Broker Version Advanced
Enable clone support Uncheck (False). Although there is use of durable subscriptions, this TCF is only being used by one appserver in the cluster and so there is no issue with MDB listener ports starting up with the same client IDs.
Client ID Trade3Server1. This unique ID is what allows multiple durable subscriptions on the same topic from with in the server cluster. This needs to be different for each server scope.
Enable XA Uncheck (False). There is no requirement for 2PC on this object.


Table 15-8

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerTCF
JNDI Name jms/TradeStreamerTCF
Transport Type BINDINGS
Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Broker Queue Manager WBRK_QM
Broker Publication Queue SOCCER_PUBLICATION
Broker Subscription Queue SOCCER_SUBSCRIPTION
Broker Version Advanced
Enable clone support Uncheck (False)
Client ID Trade3Server1
Enable XA Uncheck (False). There is no requirement for 2PC on this object.


11. Setup the connection and session pools for this resource by repeating steps 5 to 8 but for TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF this time.

12. Next go back to WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. Reset the scope to cell level. This is done by removing app1 and Trade3Server1, then pressing Apply.

13. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations. Two queue destinations need to be created, one to point to the send queue that will go to the back-end process, and one that points to the response queue that will be used by the MDB.

14. Create two new queue destinations using the information from Table 15-9 and Table 15-10. Where no value is given, use the defaults.

Table 15-9

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerQueue
JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerQueue
Persistence PERSISTENT


Table 15-10

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerResponseQueue
JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerResponseQueue
Persistence PERSISTENT


15. Go back to the WebSphere MQ JMS Provider and click WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations.

16. Create a new topic destination using the information from Table 15-11.

Table 15-11

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerTopic
JNDI Name jms/TradeStreamerTopic
Persistence PERSISTENT
Topic TradeStreamerTopic


17. Now we need to create the listener ports. Go to Servers -> Application Servers -> Trade3Server1 -> Message Listener Service -> Listener Ports.

18. Two listener ports are needed, one for point-to-point and one for publish/subscribe. Create two new listener ports using the information from Table 15-12 and Table 15-13. Where no value is given for a field use the default.

Table 15-12

Field Value
Name tradeport
Connection factory JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerLPQCF
Destination JNDI Name jms/TradeBrokerResponseQueue
Maximum Sessions 5
Maximum Retries 10


Table 15-13

Field Value
Name tradetopicport
Connection factory JNDI Name jms/TradeStreamerLPTCF
Destination JNDI Name jms/TradeStreamerTopic
Maximum Sessions 1
Maximum Retries 10


19. Save the configuration.

20. The install path for IBM WebSphere MQ will need to be set if it is not set already. Go to Environment -> Manage WebSphere Variables. Change the scope to app1 and then set the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable. Do the same for app2.

21. Trade3Server1 is now set up and ready to run.

22. At this point you might want to jump straight to installing Trade3 and then running a test. Only Trade3Server1 is configured at this stage but it will be enough to verify that the messaging system is working.


Setup Trade3 cluster part 2

It is now time to create the other three servers. Trade3Server1 will now be used as a template, reducing the effort to setup all the JMS resources.

1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console go to Servers -> Clusters -> Trade3Cluster -> Cluster members -> New.

2. Enter the name Trade3Server2, select app1 as the node. Make sure that Generate Unique HTTP Ports is checked, then click Apply.

3. Repeat this for servers Trade3Server3 and Trade3Server4 which need to be created on app2.

4. Once all the servers are in the list press Next and then Finish.

5. Each of the new appservers will need its Web container transport ports added to the default_host virtual host before they will accept requests. Go to each application server in turn and write down the ports. Then go to Environment -> Virtual Hosts -> default_host -> Host Aliases. Add the ports if they are not listed here.

6. Save the configuration.


Configure JMS resources part 2

The final step in this setup is to change the QCFs and TCFs for Trade3Server2, 3 and 4 to point to the correct queue manager using the correct transport type. As Trade3Server1 was used as a template for creating these new appservers, all of its resources have come across as well. The listener ports do not need changing. All that needs changing are the QCF and TCF objects.

1. In the scope of app1/Trade3Server2 on the WebSphere MQ JMS Provider change the fields outlined in Table 15-14 to Table 15-17 for each QCF or TCF:

Table 15-14 TradeBrokerQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Transport Type CLIENT

Table 15-15 TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Transport Type CLIENT

Table 15-16 TradeStreamerTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerTCF
Client ID Trade3Server2

Table 15-17 TradeStreamerListenPortTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF
Client ID Trade3Server2

2. In the scope of app2/Trade3Server3 on the WebSphere MQ JMS Provider change the fields shown in Table 15-18 to Table 15-21 for each QCF or TCF:

Table 15-18 TradeBrokerQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Transport Type CLIENT

Table 15-19 TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM1
Transport Type CLIENT

Table 15-20 TradeStreamerTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerTCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Client ID Trade3Server3

Table 15-21 TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Client ID Trade3Server3

3. In the scope of app2/Trade3Server4 on the WebSphere MQ JMS Provider change the fields outlined in Table 15-22 to Table 15-25 for each QCF or TCF:

Table 15-22 TradeBrokerQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Transport Type BINDINGS

Table 15-23 TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF

Field Value
Name TradeBrokerListenerPortQCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Transport Type BINDINGS

Table 15-24 TradeStreamerTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerTCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Client ID Trade3Server4

Table 15-25 TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF

Field Value
Name TradeStreamerListenerPortTCF
Queue Manager TRADEQM2
Client ID Trade3Server4

4. Save the configuration. The JMS resources are now all setup for the application.


Install the application

Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to install the Trade3.ear file. Accept all defaults. The Trade3.ear file is already configured to use the correct JNDI names and listener ports for this example. The fact that we created extra QCFs and TCFs for the listener ports, and where those QCFs and TCFs point, is masked from the application itself.

The application is now installed in your cluster and ready to run.


Testing the application

The queue managers and message brokers should already be started. If you receive any errors when starting up the appservers verify that the WebSphere MQ cluster is working by looking at the channel and listener status in the WebSphere MQ Explorer. Also, don't forget to start the TradeRedirector application to do the back-end processing.

The Trade3 application will default to using Synchronous as the order process mechanism on each server. For this reason change the Trade3 configuration on each of the servers. For each server go to


and change the following configuration parameters:

Order processing mode = Asynchronous_1-Phase

Enable Operational Trace = True

Enable Full Trace = True

Press Update config to complete.

Trade3 will now be up and running. There are many aspects of the failover to try out. Here are a couple of tests to start off with:

Run the Web primitives PingServletToMDBQueue and PingServletToMDBTopic. Check the SystemOut.log of the server to verify the message has been delivered.

Stop the listener ports on the servers in the Servers -> Application Servers -> <Trade3ServerX> -> Message Listener Service -> Listener Ports menu. Log in to Trade3 and place some orders. The orders will not be completed as the MDBs are stopped. Use the WebSphere MQ Explorer to observe workload management delivering the messages to the queues. Start the listener ports back up again and on the next visit receive a notification that the orders were completed.

Stop the listener ports on one of the servers. Place some orders in Trade3. All the started servers will receive the updated stock price in their logs except the stopped server. Start its message listener service back up and all the publications it missed will be delivered.

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