SOAPify Trade3.ear

Running Trade3 in the SOAP runtime mode requires running the WebSphere SOAPEarEnabler on the Trade3 Enterprise Application Archive (EAR).

1. Open a Windows command prompt window on the Deployment Manager machine.

2. Ensure C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin is in your PATH.

3. Change to the directory containing the Trade3.1 files (t3install) and issue the following command:

SoapEarEnabler.bat Trade3.ear 1 Soapdd.xml n 1 Trade3EJB.jar n /soap

AIX: On AIX, perform the following steps to run the script.

1. Log on as root user.

2. Ensure /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin is included in your PATH.

3. Change to the directory containing the Trade3.1 files (t3install) and run the following command: Trade3.ear 1 Soapdd.xml n 1 Trade3EJB.jar n /soap

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