Create JDBC and JMS resources
In order to prepare your J2EE environment to run Trade3.1, you have to create JDBC and JMS resources. For example, on each appserver node you have to define a JDBC data source that points to the database Trade3db you just created.
These steps can be performed using the WebSphere Administrative Console. However, Trade3.1 comes with .jacl scripts specifically for clustered environments. We will use these script files.
1. Open up a command prompt window on the Deployment Manager machine. 2. Ensure C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin is in your PATH. If not, add it using: SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin
3. Run the following command: wsadmin -f Trade3.jacl config_install
AIX: On AIX, perform the following steps to run the script:
1. Log on as root user 2. Ensure /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin is included in your PATH. If not, add it using: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin
3. Now run the following command: / -f Trade3.jacl config_install
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