Obtaining a thread dump to analyze
There are several ways to get a Java stack trace (or thread dump) into the Thread Analyzer.
From an existing Java stack trace file
1. Select ThreadDumps -> Open Existing File as shown in Figure 16-23. 2. Select and open the Java stack trace file (normally named javacore*.txt) you wish to analyze. The shortcut to opening an existing file is CTRL-O.
From a server output log file
You can take a Java stack trace source from the appserver's log files, <stderr> or <stdout> files, or any other snippets of files that contain a thread dump as shown in Figure 16-24.
1. Select ThreadDumps -> Obtain from server output. 2. Click Add file(s) on the new pop-up window to select one or more files. 3. Click the Process button to extract the Java stack trace parts from the files.
Figure 16-24 ThreadAnalyzer - Obtain from server output
Obtaining a thread dump in real time
You can also generate a real-time thread dump while the appserver is running:
1. Before getting a thread dump from an appserver, first define the Setup Options. Select ThreadDumps -> Setup Options, as shown in Figure 16-25. a. In the pop-up window, enter the WAS installation directory if it is not the one displayed as "Current WAS Home". b. Type in the name of the appserver you want to analyze if it is not the Current Application Server Name. c. Verify or select the SOAP port number. You should first check this port number from the WebSphere Administrative Console by selecting Servers -> Application Servers in the console navigation tree. Open the server configuration and select End Points from the Additional Properties pane. The port number is found in the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS configuration. d. Change or take the default for the wait time, stack trace saving options, and log options. e. Now, you can generate a thread dump from a running appserver by clicking the OK button.
Figure 16-25 ThreadAnalyzer - Setup Options
2. After you have defined the Setup Options, click ThreadDumps -> Get ThreadDump as shown in Figure 16-26 or simply press Ctrl+G.
Figure 16-26 ThreadAnalyzer - Getting ThreadDump
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