Direct JDBC calls, local transaction
This can group several statements in a unit of work with setAutoCommit set to false, as shown in Example 12-2.
Example 12-2 StaleConnectionException with direct JDBC calls and local transaction
...javax.sql.DataSource ds=null;java.sql.Connection conn=null;java.sql.Statement stmt1=null;java.sql.ResultSet rs=null;int maxRetries=5; // set maximum number of retriesint noRetries=0;int bal=0;boolean retry=false;
do {try { //already lookup datasource object ds, see above sectionconn=ds.getConnection();conn.setAutoCommit(false);stmt1=conn.createStatement();rs=stmt1.executeQuery(sqlstring1);bal=rs.getInt(3);stmt1.executeUpdate(sqlstring2);conn.commit();} catch ( staleex) {//rollbacktry{conn.rollback();if (noRetries <= maxRetries) {// retry upto maxRetries timestry {Thread.sleep(1000 + 20000*noRetries);// with increasing retry interval// preserve cpu cycle} catch (InterruptedException iex) {System.out.println("Sleep Interruppted" + iex.getMessage());}noRetries++;retry=true;} else {retry=false;// don't retry after maxRetries times}} catch (Exception ex) {retry=false;//rollback failed, don't retry}} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlex) {//other sql exception, don't retryretry=false;} catch ( Exception ex) {// generic exception, don't retryretry=false;} finally {try {if (rs!=null) rs.close();if (stmt1!=null) stmt1.close();if (conn!=null) conn.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}}} while (retry);...
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