Direct JDBC calls, global transaction
This, also, can group several statements in a unit of work, as shown in Example 12-3. A javax.transaction.UserTransaction object can be retrieved from JNDI naming or from an EJBContext object (for example, getSessionContext().getUserTransaction() in session beans).
Example 12-3 StaleConnectionException with direct JDBC calls and global transaction
public class RetryBMTSessionEJBBean implements SessionBean {private javax.ejb.SessionContext mySessionCtx = null;private final static long serialVersionUID = 3206093459760846163L;
public void updateAccount(String id, float amount) {UserTransaction ut=getSessionContext().getUserTransaction();Statement stmt=null;ResultSet rs=null;Connection conn=null;int maxRetries=5;int retryNum=0;boolean retry=false;do {try {ut.begin();conn=ds.getConnection();stmt=conn.createStatement();stmt.executeUpdate(sqlstring1);stmt.executeUpdate(sqlstring2);ut.commit();} catch ( scex){ut.rollback();if (retryNum < maxRetries) {retry=true;retryNum++;}retry=false;} catch (SQLException sqlex) {} catch (Exception ex) {}} while (retry);}
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