Caching Proxy troubleshooting
You have two options to delete the Caching Proxy cache:
If you are running with a memory cache only, then the only way to purge the cache is to restart the process. If you are running with a raw disk cache, then you can use the htcformat command to reformat the cache device. This command is available on AIX, Windows and Linux platforms. You can enable tracing for the Caching Proxy. To do this, you need to specify the log file for tracing in the ibmproxy.conf file as shown in Example 14-24.
Example 14-24 Tracing log file
#log file directivesTraceLog /opt/ibm/edge/cp/server_root/logs/trace
Also, you can enable tracing on the appserver for*, which is the package containing the external cache adapters. To do this, click Troubleshooting -> Logs and Trace -> <server_name> -> Diagnostic Trace in the WebSphere Administrative Console. Enter the trace configuration options on the Configuration tab. An example of this window is found in Figure 14-27.
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