Troubleshooting the dynamic cache service

In case you are experiencing problems related to the WebSphere Dynamic Cache service, follow these steps to resolve your problem:

1. Use the Cache monitor to test.

2. Verify cachespec.xml file.

3. Review the JVM logs for your appserver. Messages prefaced with DYNA result from dynamic cache service operations. a. View the JVM logs for your appserver. Each server has its own JVM log file. For example, if your server is named Member_1, the JVM log is located in the subdirectory <install_root>/logs/Member_1/.

Alternatively, you can use the Administrative Console to review the JVM logs, click Troubleshooting -> Logs and Trace -> <server_name> -> JVM Logs -> Runtime tab -> View. b. Find any messages prefaced with DYNA in the JVM logs, and write down the message IDs. A sample message having the message ID DYNA0030E follows:

DYNA0030E: "property" element is missing required attribute "name". c. Find the message for each message ID in the WAS InfoCenter. In the InfoCenter navigation tree, click <product_name> -> Reference -> Messages -> DYNA to view dynamic cache service messages. d. Try the solutions stated under User Action in the DYNA messages.

4. Enable tracing on the appserver for*. To enable it, click Troubleshooting -> Logs and Trace -> <server_name> -> Diagnostic Trace -> Configuration tab. You can then configure the tracing options as shown in Figure 14-27.

If you experience problems with cache replication, then you need to enable the trace for*.

You need to restart the server and monitor the trace file.

Figure 14-27 Dynamic cache tracing configuration

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