Use web application (.war)s
A developer creates the files comprising a web application (.war), and then assembles the web application (.war) components into a Web module. Next, the deployer (typically the developer in a unit-testing environment or the administrator in a production environment) installs the web application (.war) on the server.
- Design the Web application and develop its code artifacts: Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) files, and static files, as for example, images and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) files.See the "Resources for learning" article for links to design documentation.
- (Optional) Implement JavaScript within JSP tags using the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF).
Support in the JSP Engine for the Bean Scripting Framework is deprecated with WebSphere Application Server 5.1.
- Develop the Webapplication, using WebSphere Application Server extensions to enhance its functionality.
- Assemble the Web application into a Web module using the Assembly Toolkit.Web module assembly properties might include the ability to:
- Configure servlet page lists.
- Configure servlet filters.
- Serve servlets by class name.
- Enable file serving.
- Deploy the Web module or application module that contains the web application (.war).
Following deployment, you might find it handy to use the tool that enables batch compiling of the JSP files for quicker initial response times.
- (Optional) Troubleshoot your web application (.war).
- (Optional) Modify the default Web container configuration in the appserver in which you deployed the Web module or application module containing the web application (.war).
- (Optional) Manage the deployed web application (.war)..
See Also
Web container
Enterprise applications
JSP files
Bean Scripting Framework
Web modules
web.xml file
Default Application
Scenario: Creating a Bean Scripting Framework application
Example: Bean Scripting Framework code example
Troubleshooting tips for Webapplication deployment
JSP engine troubleshooting tips
Webapplications: Resources for learning