Using Apache SOAP Web services in Version 5.0 and 5.0.1


This topic and the topics linking to it describe how to use Apache SOAP 2.3 support for WAS V5.0 and 5.01. This support will be deprecated in a future release. If you are planning a new Web services project, it is recommended that you use Web services for J2EE.

Version 5.02 introduces support for Web services for J2EE, which replaces the "IBM WebSphere Web Services for J2EE Technology Preview" available as a separate download from This supports emerging Java Web services standards like JAX-RPC and Web services for J2EE. It is recommended that new development efforts use the and follow these standards.

One can find more information about working with Web services by visiting the Internet sites listed in Web services: Links. Developing and managing Apache Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 2.3-based Web services explains how to work with Web services that are written directly to Apache SOAP, Version 2.3 API. To develop and manage an Apache SOAP 2.3-based Web service:


  1. Develop an Apache SOAP client.

  2. Assemble Apache SOAP Web services.

  3. Deploy Apache SOAP Web services applications.

  4. Administer deployed Apache SOAP Web services (SOAP-XML administrative tool).

  5. Deploy Web services.

  6. Secure Apache SOAP services.

Web services
Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF): Enabling Web services
Web services gateway: Enabling Web services
IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry
UDDI4J specifications
Web services: Links


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