Work with Web services


If you change the Namespace URI, you break the link back to the Web services gateway for every Web service that you have already deployed. So set the Namespace URI before you deploy any Web services.

When you configure a Web service, you choose the following resources:

  • The channels on which the service is available.

  • The filters (if any) that apply to the service.

  • The UDDI registries (if any) in which entries for the service are created.

Each of these choices is made from a list of resources that have already been deployed to the Web services gateway. So deploy your channels, filters and references to UDDI registries to the Web services gateway before you deploy the Web services that use those resources.

From the navigation pane of the Web services gateway administrative user interface, you can choose the following actions for Services:

  • List to list the deployed Web services, and modify their deployment details.

  • Deploy to deploy a Web service.

  • Remove to remove Web services.

Administering the Web services gateway
Setting the namespace URI and WSDL URI for the Web services gateway
Working with channels
Working with filters
Working with UDDI references