Adding wires



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In order to add a wire between portlets on a portal page, have the portlet projects that contain the source and target portlets in your workspace.

To add wires to a portal page, follow these steps:

  1. Import or create a Portal project for WebSphere Portal.

  2. Add portlet projects with cooperative portlets to your workspace.

  3. Open the portal project's Portal Configuration file.

  4. Create a page, and layout any of the portlets that you intend to wire.

  5. Ensure that the page is selected in the Portal Configuration.

  6. Open the Properties view and select the Wires tab.

    The Wires page in the Properties view shows any existing wires in the page, and enables you to add wires between any portlets in projects workspace. You can also remove wires from the page, even if portlets are not available in your workspace. Here is an explanation of each column:

    Source portlet portlet on the page that provides information to other portlets.
    Property the type of information that the portlet is capable of sending.
    Target page the page which contains Target portlet.
    Target portlet the portlet receiving the information from the source. Only portlets that are capable of processing the sent information are shown.
    Action the action that the portlet can perform after receiving the information. Only actions that are capable of handling the property information are shown.

  7. Click

    Add to open the New Wire dialog box.

    1. Choose a portlet from the Source portlet pane

    2. Choose a property from the Property pane The current page will appear as the default in the Page text box, and a list of valid target portlets will also appear.

    3. (Optional) To configure a wire to a portlet on another page, click Browse to select a new page in your portal project

    4. Select a target portlet and property.

    5. Click OK. The wire is added to the table in the Wires page of the Properties view. You can add any number of wires using the portlets on the page.

  8. Save the Portal Configuration.


Related concepts

Wiring portlets


Related tasks

Removing wires

Adding portlets to portal pages


Related reference

WebSphere Portal Information Center