Generating deployable files to transfer manually to Web servers

To deploy a Web service to a Web server that is not listed in the

Servers view in your workspace, you generate deployable files and transfer them to the Web server.

To modify a Web service after it is deployed to a Web server, edit the service in your data development project and then deploy it to the server again.

For J2EE Web servers and products that support pureQuery: If you select pureQuery as the access method for your database and you transfer deployable files manually to the Web server, also transfer the pureQuery JAR files to your Web server.

To generate deployable files:

  1. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the Web service and then select

    Build and Deploy. The

    Deploy Web Service wizard opens.

  2. Under

    Web server, specify the type of Web server that you want to deploy the Web service to.

    1. In the

      Type field, select one of the supported types of Web server.

    2. Click

      Build deployable files only, do not deploy to a Web server.

  3. Optional:

    Modify other options as needed. For information about the fields, press F1.

  4. Click Finish to generate the deployable files. To view the generated files, open the Navigator view or the J2EE perspective. The files are created in the following directories:

    • For J2EE Web servers on Linux® and UNIX®:


    • For J2EE Web servers on Windows®:


    • For DataPower® on Linux and UNIX:


    • For DataPower on Windows:


    Refer to the Messages portion of the SQL Results view for the exact path.

    Transfer the files to the Web server using your preferred method. Refer to your Web server documentation for the steps to deploy the Web service.

After deploying a Web service, you can access it by using the following URLs:

To see the content of the WSDL file, use the URL http://server:port/context_root/wsdl.


Related tasks

Deploying Web services through the workbench

Adding parameters to Web services


Related reference

Supported Web servers, SOAP engines, and databases