Adding parameters to Web services

You can add to Web services parameters that set optional properties within a supported database that a Web service performs operations against and optional properties of the connections between the Web service and the database. You can add these parameters by default to the Web services that you create within a data development project, or you can add them when deploying individual Web services.

You can pass additional control or audit information to Web services by specifying additional Web service parameters and then passing values for those parameters. You specify the parameters in the

Parameters table on the Web Services page of the

Properties window for your project or in the

Deploy Web Service wizard.

You can pass values to the additional parameters by three different methods:

Passed values apply only to the operation that the message requests. They do not span more than one message or operation.

To add parameters to Web services:

  1. Decide which control parameters you want to add and the values that you want to set for them.

    Parameters for passing DB2® database client audit information

    • connection.jcc.clientAccountingInformation

    • connection.jcc.clientUser

    • connection.jcc.clientProgramName

    • connection.jcc.clientWorkstation

    For descriptions of these parameters, see the links in the Related information section at the end of this topic. When you follow a link, locate the parameter by finding the third part of its name. For example, if the parameter is

    connection.jcc.clientUser, locate the parameter by finding


    Parameters for passing connection information


    Specifies the maximum number of rows to return for a result set.


    Specifies the number of seconds that the JDBC driver waits for the statement to run on the database. If the statement does not run within this amount of time, the connection closes.

    Parameter for specifying message output format


    For a description of this control parameter, see Message output formats.

  2. If you are using an Apache Tomcat Web server, your Resource definition set the parameter

    accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed to true. For example, if you were using the sample database that comes with DB2 for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows®, your resource definition would look similar to this. The

    accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed parameter is highlighted in bold.

    <Resource driverClassName="" 
    validationQuery="select * from employee" 

  3. Open either the

    Properties window for a data development project or the

    Deploy Web Service wizard.

    Option Description
    To add the parameters to every Web service in a data development project

    1. Right-click the project node and then select


    2. In the

      Properties window, select

      Web Services.

    To add the parameters only to a Web service that you want to deploy

    • In a data development project, right-click the Web service, and then select

      Build and Deploy.

  4. For each parameter, follow these steps:

    1. To the right of the

      Parameters table, click

      New. An editable row appears in the table.

    2. Type the name of the parameter in the

      Name column of the editable row.

    3. To have the value of the parameter used every time that a Web service performs an operation on the database, type the value of the parameter in the

      Value column. If the parameter name begins with the prefix service, specify the value.

    4. To provide the value in the header of SOAP messages or in an HTTP control parameter of REST messages, leave the

      Value column blank.



Suppose that you want to set the database connection property

clientUser for all the Web services in your data development project. You right-click the project node, and then select

Properties. In the Properties window, you select

Web Services. On the Web Services page next to the

Parameters table, you click

New to add a row to the table. In the

Name column of the new row, you type connection.jcc.clientUser.

There are three ways that you can provide the value for this parameter:

Previous topic: Selecting the default deployment options for all Web services in a project

Next topic: Creating Web services


Related tasks

Deploying Web services through the workbench

Generating deployable files to transfer manually to Web servers

Migrating Web applications that were developed for the Web Object Runtime Framework (WORF)

Related information

DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Common IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ properties for DB2 servers

DB2 Version 9.1 for z/OS: Client info properties support by the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ