Supported Web servers, SOAP engines, and databases

You can deploy Web services to several types of Web servers, use a number of different SOAP engines, and access DB2® and Informix® databases.


Supported Web servers

You can use the following Web servers:


Supported SOAP engines

If you want client applications to send and receive SOAP-wrapped XML messages when communicating with Web services, you can use the following SOAP engines:

Table 1. Supported SOAP engines
  SOAP engines
Web servers Apache Axis 1.4 Apache Axis 2 Deprecated: Apache SOAP 2.3** WAS JSR 109 (JAX-RPC) JAX-WS
Apache Tomcat (all versions) X X X    
WAS, Version 6 X   X X  
WAS, Version 7 X   X X X
WAS Community Edition, Version 2.1 X X X   X

** Apache SOAP 2.3 is deprecated in this release, therefore it is recommended that you use another one of the supported SOAP engines.

You can download the Apache SOAP engines from the following locations:


Supported databases

You can use the following JCC-compliant databases:

You can also use Informix Dynamic Server, Versions 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10, JDBC databases.

The supported version of JCC is 3.50 (JDBC 3) and the supported Java™ platforms are IBM® JDK 1.4, IBM JDK 5, and IBM JDK 6.


Related concepts

Support for the DB2 native XML data type in Web service operations


Related tasks

Developing and deploying Web services

Deploying Web services through the workbench

Configuring the workbench for developing and deploying Web services

Developing Web services with the workbench


Related reference

Supported message protocols