Creating Web services

When you create a Web service, you create an empty container that you subsequently add database operations to.



To define a Web service:

  1. Right-click the

    Web services folder in a data development project and select

    New Web Service. The

    New Web Service wizard opens.

    1. Verify the name of project that you want to create the Web service in.

    2. Name the Web service.

    3. Optional:

      Change the default namespace URI. For example, you might want to use a namespace URI to group together Web services that have similar functions, have one owner, or access the same data source.

  2. Click Finish. The service is displayed in the

    Web services folder of the selected data development project.

Previous topic: Adding parameters to Web services

Next topic: Adding database operations to Web services


Related tasks

Selecting the default deployment options for all Web services in a project