For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Release notes
We can identify the latest information about this product release and all its fix packs.
- What's new in V8.0.0
IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation V8.0.0 brings significant changes that modernize your MobileFirst application development, deployment, and management experience.- What's new in V8.0.0 interim fixes
Interim fixes provide patches and updates to correct problems and keep IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation current for new releases of mobile operating systems.- Licensing
- Web applications
- Adapters
- Cordova applications
- Deprecated features and API elements
New releases of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation might introduce features or API elements that supersede features and API elements from past releases. Superseded features and API elements are deprecated and they might be removed in future releases.- Discontinued features and API elements
Consider carefully how removed features and API elements affect your IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation environment.- Known issues
We can identify the latest known issues and their resolutions, for this product release and all its fix packs, by browsing this dynamic list of documents.- Known limitations
General limitations apply to IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation as detailed here. Limitations that apply to specific features are explained in the topics that describe these features.