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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Known limitations

General limitations apply to IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation as detailed here. Limitations that apply to specific features are explained in the topics that describe these features.

In this documentation, we can find the description of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation known limitations in different locations:

Note: For more information about product known limitations or issues, see Known issues.


If you are developing globalized apps, the following restrictions apply:

You might also experience restrictions or anomalies in various aspects of globalization because of limitations in other products, such as browsers, database management systems, or software development kits in use. For example:

Adapters and third-party dependencies

The following known issues pertain to interactions between dependencies and classes in the application server, including the MobileFirst shared library.


Application Center mobile client: refresh issues on Android 4.0.x

Android 4.0.x WebView component is known to have several refresh issues. Updating devices to Android 4.1.x should provide a better user experience.

If you build the Application Center client from sources, disabling the hardware acceleration at the application level in the Android manifest should improve the situation for Android 4.0.x. In that case, the application must be built with Android SDK 11 or later.

Application Center requires MobileFirst Studio V7.1 for importing and building the Application Center mobile client

To build the Application Center mobile client, you need MobileFirst Studio V 7.1. We can download MobileFirst Studio from the Downloads page of the Developer Center website. Click the Previous MobileFirst Platform Foundation releases tab for the download link. For installation instructions, see Install MobileFirst Studio in the IBM® Knowledge Center for 7.1. For more information about building the Application Center mobile client, see Preparations for using the mobile client.

Application Center and Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1

Application Center supports the distribution of applications as Windows Phone application package (.xap) files for Microsoft Windows Phone 8.0 and Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1. With Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1, Microsoft introduced a new universal format as app package (.appx) files for Windows Phone. Currently, Application Center does not support the distribution of app package (.appx) files for Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1, but is limited to Windows Phone application package (.xap) files only.

Application Center supports the distribution of app package (.appx) files for Microsoft Windows Store (Desktop applications) only.

Administering MobileFirst applications through Ant or through the command line

The mfpadm tool is not available if you download and install only the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Developer Kit. The mfpadm tool is installed with the MobileFirst Server with the installer.

Direct Update

Direct Update on Windows is not supported in V8.0.0.

FIPS 140-2 feature limitations

The following known limitations apply when we use the FIPS 140-2 feature in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation:

For more information about this feature, see FIPS 140-2 support.

Installation of a fix pack or interim fix to the Application Center or the MobileFirst Server

When you apply a fix pack or an interim fix to Application Center or MobileFirst Server, manual operations are required, and you might have to shut down your applications for some time.

JSONStore supported architectures

For Android, JSONStore supports the following architectures: ARM, ARM v7, and x86 32-bit. Other architectures are not currently supported. Trying to use other architectures leads to exceptions and potential application crashes.

JSON Store is not supported for Windows native applications.

For more information about JSONStore, see JSONStore overview.

Liberty server limitations

If we use the Liberty server on a 32-bit JDK 7, Eclipse might not start, and you might receive the following error: Error occurred during initialization of VM. Could not reserve enough space for object heap. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

To fix this issue, use the 64-bit JDK with the 64-bit Eclipse and 64-bit Windows. If we use the 32-bit JDK on a 64-bit computer, you might configure JVM preferences to mx512m and Xms216m.

LTPA token limitations

An SESN0008E exception occurs when an LTPA token expires before the user session expires.

An LTPA token is associated with the current user session. If the session expires before an LTPA token expires, a new session is created automatically. However, when an LTPA token expires before a user session expires, the following exception occurs:

To resolve this limitation, we must force the user session to expire when the LTPA token expires.

Note: On certain versions of WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Liberty, the exception is still logged, but the session is correctly invalidated. For more information, see APAR PM85141.

Microsoft Windows Phone 8

For Windows Phone 8.1 environments, x64 architecture is not supported.

Microsoft Windows 10 UWP apps

Application authenticity feature does not work on MobileFirst Windows 10 UWP apps when the MobileFirst SDK is installed through the NuGet package. As a workaround, developers can download the NuGet package and add the MobileFirst SDK references manually.

MobileFirst Operations Console

Nested projects can result in unpredictable results with the CLI

Do not nest projects inside one another when using the IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line Interface (CLI). Otherwise, the project that is acted upon might not be the one that you expect.

Previewing Cordova web resources with the Mobile Browser Simulator

You can preview your web resources with Mobile Browser Simulator, but not all MobileFirst JavaScript APIs are supported by the simulator. In particular, the OAuth protocol is not fully supported. However, we can test calls to adapters with WLResourceRequest. For more information, see Previewing Cordova web resources with the Mobile Browser Simulator .

Physical iOS device required for testing extended app authenticity

The testing of the extended app authenticity feature requires a physical iOS device, because an IPA cannot be installed on an iOS simulator.

Support of Oracle 12c by MobileFirst Server

The installation tools of the MobileFirst Server (Installation Manager, Server Configuration Tool, and Ant tasks) support installation with Oracle 12c as a database.

The users and tables can be created by the installation tools but the database, or databases, must exist before you run the installation tools.

Support for push notification

Non-secured push is supported in Cordova (on iOS and Android).

Update the cordova-ios platform

To update the cordova-ios platform of a Cordova app, we must uninstall and reinstall the platform by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the project directory for the app by using the command-line interface.
  2. Run the cordova platform rm ios command to remove the platform.
  3. Run the cordova platform add ios@version command to add the new platform to the app, where version is the version of the Cordova iOS platform.
  4. Run the cordova prepare command to integrate the changes.
The update fails if we use the cordova platform update ios command.

WKWebView support for iOS Cordova applications

App notifications and Direct Update features might not work well in iOS Cordova apps with WKWebView.

This limitation is due to the defect file:// url XmlHttpRequests are not allowed in WKWebViewEgine in cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine.

To circumvent this issue, run the following command in your Cordova project.

Executing this command would run a local web server in your Cordova application, we can then host and access your local files instead of using the file URI scheme (file://) to work with local files.

Note: This Cordova plug-in is not published to the Node package manager (npm).

cordova-plugin-statusbar does not work with Cordova application loaded with cordova-plugin-mfp.

cordova-plugin-statusbar will not work with Cordova application loaded with cordova-plugin-mfp.

To circumvent this issue, the developer will have to set CDVViewController as the root view controller. Replacing the code snippet in the wlInitDidCompleteSuccessfully method as suggested below in the MFPAppdelegate.m file of the Cordova iOS project.

Existing code snippet:

Recommended code snippet with workaround for the limitation:

Raw IPV6 address not supported in Android applications

During the configuration of mfpclient.properties for our native Android application, if your MobileFirst Server is on a host with IPV6 address, then use a mapped host name for the IPV6 address to configure the wlServerHost property in mfpclient.properties. Configuring the wlServerHost with raw IPV6 address fails the application's attempt to connect to the MobileFirst Server.

Parent topic: Release notes