For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Deprecated features and API elements
New releases of IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation might introduce features or API elements that supersede features and API elements from past releases. Superseded features and API elements are deprecated and they might be removed in future releases.
Review the following deprecated features and API elements to determine the impact that these deprecations might have on your your IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation environment.
API elements deprecated in V8.0.0
- For more information about deprecated server-side API elements, see Java™ API elements deprecated in V8.0.0.
- For more information about deprecated client-side JavaScript API elements, see Deprecated JavaScript APIs.
- For more information about discontinued and deprecated Windows C# API elements, see Deprecated Windows C# API elements.
Features deprecated in V7.1.0
Table 1. Features deprecated in V7.1.0 Category Deprecation Recommended Action iOS 6 The iOS 6 environment is deprecated. IBM® MobileFirst Mobile Patterns IBM MobileFirst Mobile Patterns are deprecated in MobileFirst Studio.
Features deprecated in V7.0.0
Table 2. Features deprecated in V7.0.0 Category Deprecation Recommended Action BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry 7 environments BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry 7 environments are deprecated. Analytics Reports database The Reports database, often referenced as WLREPORT in the documentation, is deprecated in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation V7.0.0. Use IBM MobileFirst Analytics instead. Note that setting up the Reports database is optional in this release and prior releases. Also note that the use of the Reports database is redundant with MobileFirst Analytics in this release and recent prior releases. Analytics BIRT predefined reports The predefined BIRT reports are deprecated. Use IBM MobileFirst Analytics console and custom chart support instead. The JAR files and JavaScript libraries that enable SSO between IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation and other external services The external-server-libraries directory and its contents are deprecated. The following API URLs are also deprecated:
- <application root context>/oauth/*
Use the MobileFirst OAuth-based security model instead. For more information about this model, see Overview of the MobileFirst security framework.
API elements deprecated in V7.0.0
Table 3. API elements deprecated in V7.0.0 Category Deprecation Recommended Action Objective-C: WLClient [WLCLient lastAccessToken] Use [WLAuthorizationManager cachedAuthorizationHeader] instead. [WLCLient lastAccessTokenForScope] Use [WLAuthorizationManager cachedAuthorizationHeader] instead. [WLCLient obtainAccessTokenForScope] Use [WLAuthorizationManager obtainAuthorizationHeaderForScope] instead. Objective-C: WLResponse [WLResponse getResponseJson] Use the responseJson property instead. Java WLClient.obtainAccessToken (String scope, WLResponseListener responseListener) Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.getLastAccessToken Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.obtainAccessToken (String scope, WLResponseListener responseListener, WLRequestOptions requestOptions) Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.getRequiredAccessTokenScope (int status, String header) Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.logActivity Use the Logger class instead. JavaScript WLClient.obtainAccessToken Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.getRequiredAccessTokenScope Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.getLastAccessToken Use the WLAuthorizationManager class instead. WLClient.logActivity Use the WLLogger class instead.
Features deprecated in V6.3.0
Table 4. Features deprecated in V6.3.0 Category Deprecation Recommended action Sencha Touch tools Sencha Touch tools are deprecated in MobileFirst Studio.
Parent topic: Release notes