List of JNDI properties for the Application Center
Property Description appcenter.database.type Database type. Only required when database is not specified in JNDI name of the database. Default is java:comp/env/jdbc/AppCenterDS. appcenter.openjpa.ConnectionDriverName Fully qualified class name of the database connection driver class. Required if database is not specified in appcenter.openjpa.ConnectionPassword Password for the database connection. Required if database is not specified in appcenter.openjpa.ConnectionURL URL specific to the database connection driver class. Required if database is not specified in appcenter.openjpa.ConnectionUserName User name or the database connection. Required if database is not specified in ibm.appcenter.apns.p12.certificate.isDevelopmentCertificate Whether the certificate that enables Application Center to send push notifications about updates of iOS applications is a development certificate. Set to true to enable or false to disable. ibm.appcenter.apns.p12.certificate.location The path to the file of the development certificate that enables Application Center to send push notifications about updates of iOS applications. For example... /Users/someUser/someDirectory/apache-tomcat/conf/AppCenter_apns_dev_cert.p12
ibm.appcenter.apns.p12.certificate.password Password of the certificate that enables Application Center to send push notifications about updates of iOS applications is a development certificate. ibm.appcenter.forceUpgradeDBTo60 The database is automatically updated when the Application Center web application starts. To repeat this update, set to true, and start the web application again. Later we can set this parameter to false. ibm.appcenter.gcm.signature.googleapikey The Google API key that enables the Application Center to send push notifications about updates for Android applications. For example... AIxaScCHg0VSGdgfOZKtzDJ44-oi0muUasMZvAs
ibm.appcenter.ios.plist.onetimeurl Whether URLs stored in iOS plist manifests use the one-time URL mechanism without credentials. If we set this property to true, the security level is medium since the one-time URLs are generated with a cryptographic mechanism so that nobody can guess the URL. However, they do not require the user to log in when we use these URLs. Setting this property to false is maximally secure, since the user is then required to log in for each URL. However, requesting the user to log in multiple times when you install an iOS application can degrade the user experience. Whether Application Center is configured for LDAP. Set to true to enable LDAP; set to false to disable LDAP. Security authentication mechanism when the LDAP external SASL authentication mechanism is required to bind to the LDAP server. The value depends on the LDAP server and it is typically set to EXTERNAL. ibm.appcenter.ldap.cache.expiration.seconds The Application Center maintains a cache of LDAP data and the changes become visible only after the cache expires. Specify the amount of time in seconds an entry in the LDAP cache is valid. Set this property to a value larger than 3600 (1 hour) to reduce the amount of LDAP requests. If no value is entered, the default value is 86400, which is equal to 24 hours. If we need to manually clear the cache of LDAP data... -clearLdapCache -s serverurl -c context -u user -p password
ibm.appcenter.ldap.connectionURL URL to access the LDAP server when no VMM is used. Set true to enable use of the federated registry. Set false to disable use of the federated registry. Default is false. The search base to find groups when we use LDAP without VMM. LDAP group search filter. Use %v as the placeholder for the group attribute. This property is only required when LDAP users and groups are defined in the same subtree; that is, when the properties ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.base and have the same value. The group name attribute when we use LDAP without VMM. Whether the LDAP contains nested groups when we use LDAP without VMM. Setting this property to false speeds up the LDAP access since the groups are then not searched recursively. Members of a group when we use LDAP without VMM. Inverse of ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.groupmembership. ibm.appcenter.ldap.referral Whether referrals are supported by the JNDI API. If no value is given, the JNDI API does not handle LDAP referrals. Possible values:
- ignore: ignore referrals found in the LDAP server.
- follow: automatically follow referrals found in the LDAP server.
- throw: cause an exception to occur for each referral found in the LDAP server. The distinguished name of the user allowed to search the LDAP directory. Use only if security binding is required. Password can be encoded using securityUtility. Run the tool and then set the value of this property to the encoded password generated by the tool. The supported encoding types are xor and aes. Edit the Liberty Profile server.xml file to check whether the classloader is enabled to load the JAR file that decodes the password. Password of the user permitted to search the LDAP directory. Use only if security binding is required. If set, security authentication is used when you connect to LDAP without VMM. ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.base The search base to find users when we use LDAP without VMM. ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.displayName The display name attribute, such as the user's real name, when we use LDAP without VMM. ibm.appcenter.ldap.displayName.filter LDAP user search filter for the attribute of ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.displayName. Use %v as the placeholder for the display name attribute. This property is only required when LDAP users and groups are defined in the same subtree; that is, when the properties ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.base and have the same value.
ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.filter LDAP user search filter for the attribute of ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.loginName. Use %v as the placeholder for the login name attribute. This property is only required when LDAP users and groups are defined in the same subtree; that is, when the properties ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.base and have the same value.
ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.groupmembership Specifies the groups of a member when we use LDAP without VMM. This property is the inverse of This property is optional, but if it is specified, the LDAP access is faster. ibm.appcenter.ldap.user.loginName The login name attribute when we use LDAP without VMM. Whether LDAP is done through VMM. Set to true to enable or false to disable. ibm.appcenter.ldap.vmm.adminpwd Password when LDAP is done through VMM. ibm.appcenter.ldap.vmm.adminuser User when LDAP is done through VMM. ibm.appcenter.logging.formatjson This property has only an effect when ibm.appcenter.logging.tosystemerror is set to true. If enabled, it formats JSON responses in logging messages that are directed to System.Error. Setting this property is helpful when you debug the server. ibm.appcenter.logging.tosystemerror Whether all logging messages are also directed to System.Error. Setting this property is helpful when you debug the server. ibm.appcenter.openjpa.Log This property is passed to OpenJPA and enables JPA logging. See the Apache OpenJPA User's Guide. If the Application Center server is behind a firewall or reverse proxy, this property specifies the address of the host. Setting this property allows a user outside the firewall to reach the Application Center server. Typically, this property is the address of the proxy. ibm.appcenter.proxy.port If the Application Center server is behind a firewall or reverse proxy, this property specifies the address of the host. Setting this property allows a user outside the firewall to reach the Application Center server. Typically, this property is the port of the proxy, for example 443. It is only needed if the protocol of the external and of the internal URI are different. ibm.appcenter.proxy.protocol If the Application Center server is behind a firewall or reverse proxy, this property specifies the protocol (http or https). Setting this property allows a user outside the firewall to reach the Application Center server. Typically, this property is set to the protocol of the proxy. For example, Only needed if the protocol of the external and of the internal URI are different. ibm.appcenter.proxy.scheme This property is just an alternative name for ibm.appcenter.proxy.protocol. ibm.appcenter.push.schedule.period.amount Time schedule when you send push notifications of application updates. When applications are frequently changed on the server, set this property to send batches of notifications. For example, send all notifications that happened within the past hour, instead of sending each individual notification. ibm.appcenter.push.schedule.period.unit Unit for the time schedule when you send push notifications of application updates. Enables the Application Center console to locate the Application Center REST services. Specify the external address and context root of the applicationcenter.war web application. In a scenario with a firewall or a secured reverse proxy, this URI must be the external URI and not the internal URI inside the local LAN. For example... Amount of time in seconds cached icons remain valid for the Application Center Console and the Client. Application icons rarely change, therefore they are cached. Specify values larger than 600 (10 min) to reduce the amount of data transfer for the icons. ibm.worklight.jndi.configuration Optional. If the JNDI configuration is injected into the WAR files or provided as a shared library, the value of this property is the name of the JNDI configuration. This value can also be specified as a system property.
ibm.worklight.jndi.file Optional. If the JNDI configuration is stored as an external file, the value of this property is the path of a file that describes the JNDI configuration. This value can also be specified as a system property.
Parent topic: Install the application center