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Configure WebSphere Application Server for MobileFirst Server administration manually

To configure WebSphere Application Server for IBM MobileFirst Platform Server administration manually, configure variables, custom properties, and class loader policies.

These instructions assume that a stand-alone profile exists with an application server named "Worklight" and that the server is using the default ports.

  1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administration console for the MobileFirst Server.

    The address is of the form http://server.com:9060/ibm/console, where server is the name of the server.

  2. Enable application security.

    1. Click Security > Global Security.

    2. Ensure that Enable administrative security is selected. Application security can be enabled only if administrative security is enabled.

    3. Ensure that Enable application security is selected.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Save the changes.
    See Enable security in WebSphere Application Server user documentation.

  3. Review the server class loader policy: Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers, and select the server used for MPF.

    • If the class loader policy is set to Multiple, do nothing.

    • If the class loader policy is set to Single and the class loading mode is set to parent-last, do nothing.

    • If the class loader policy is set to Single and the class loading mode is set to parent-first, change the class loader policy to Multiple, and set the class loader order of all applications other than MobileFirst applications to parent-first.

  4. Create the MobileFirst Server administration JDBC data source and provider. See the instructions in the appropriate subsection in Manually install MobileFirst Server administration.

  5. If we install on WAS ND, find the SOAP port of the deployment manager by clicking System Administration/dmgr.

    1. In Additional properties, open Ports.

    2. Take note of the value SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS, because we need it to set the value of the ibm.worklight.admin.jmx.dmgr.port environment entry for the administration services.

  6. Install the administration services WAR file:

    1. Depending on the version of WebSphere Application Server, click one of the following options:

      • Applications > New > New Enterprise Application

      • Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application

    2. Go to the MobileFirst Server installation directory MF_HOME/WorklightServer.

    3. Select worklightadmin.war, and then click Next.

    4. On the How do to install the application? page, click Detailed, and then click Next.

    5. On the Application Security Warnings page, click Continue.

    6. Click Next until you reach the Map resource references to resources page, and enter the JNDI name of the data source created in step 4.

    7. Click Next until you reach the Map context roots for web modules page.

    8. In the Context Root field, type /worklightadmin.

    9. Click Next.

    10. In Map environment entries for web modules:

    11. Click Next until you reach the last step, and click Finish.

    12. Click Save.

  7. Configure the class loader policies for the administration services and then start the application:

    1. Click the Manage Applications link, or click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

    2. From the list of applications, click worklightadmin.war.

    3. In the Detail Properties section, click the Class loading and update detection link.

    4. In the Class loader order pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    5. Click OK.

    6. In the Detail Properties section, click the Startup behavior link.

    7. In Startup Order, enter 1, and click OK.

    8. In the Modules section, click Manage Modules.

    9. From the list of modules, click the Worklight administration services module.

    10. In the Class loader order pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    11. Click OK twice.

    12. Click Save.

    13. Select worklightadmin.war and click Start.

  8. Install the MPF operations console WAR file.

    1. Depending on the version of WebSphere Application Server, click one of the following options:

      • Applications > New > New Enterprise Application

      • Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application

    2. Go to the MobileFirst Server installation directory MF_HOME/WorklightServer.

    3. Select worklightconsole.war, and then click Next.

    4. On the How do to install the application? page, click Detailed, and then click Next.

    5. On the Application Security Warnings page, click Continue.

    6. Click Next until you reach the Map context roots for web modules page.

    7. In the Context Root field, type /worklightconsole.

    8. Click Next.

    9. In Map environment entries for web modules, enter the value *://*:*/worklightadmin for the entry ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint.

    10. Click Next until you reach the last step, and click Finish.

    11. Click Save.

  9. Configure the class loader policies for the operations console and start the application:

    1. Click the Manage Applications link, or click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

    2. From the list of applications, click worklightconsole.war.

    3. In the Detail Properties section, click the Class loading and update detection link.

    4. In the Class loader order pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    5. Click OK.

    6. In the Detail Properties section, click the Startup behavior link.

    7. In Startup Order, enter 1, and click OK.

    8. In the Modules section, click Manage Modules.

    9. From the list of modules, click the Worklight Console module.

    10. In the Class loader order pane, click Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    11. Click OK twice.

    12. Click Save.

    13. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

    14. Select Select for worklightconsole.war and click Start.


We can now access the MobileFirst Server administration at http://server:port/worklightconsole, where server is the host name of the server and port is the port number (by default 9080).

What to do next

For more steps to configure MobileFirst Server administration, see Configure WAS full profile for MobileFirst Server administration.

Parent topic: Manually deploy administration services and operations console