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Distribution structure of MobileFirst Server

The MobileFirst Server files and tools are installed in the MobileFirst Server installation directory.

Item Description
shortcuts Launcher scripts for Apache Ant, the MobileFirst Server Server Configuration Tool, and the wladm command, supplied with MobileFirst Server.
worklight-jee-library.jar The MobileFirst Server library for production. Deployment is typically performed using Ant tasks. Manual deployment is also provided.
worklight-ant-deployer.jar Ant tasks for deploying projects, applications, and adapters to the MobileFirst Server.
configuration-samples Sample Ant files for configuring a database for the MobileFirst Server and deploying a MobileFirst project to an Application Server.
databases SQL scripts to be used for the manual creation of tables for MobileFirst Server and the administration services, instead of using Ant tasks for the automatic configuration of these tables.
FarmSchemas.xsd XML schema that describes the format of the file that defines the nodes of a server farm.
encrypt.sh Tools to encrypt confidential properties used to configure a MobileFirst Server, such as a database password or a certificate.
report-templates Report templates to configure BIRT reports for your Application Server.
wladm-schemas XML schemas that describe the format of input and output of the <wladm> Ant task.
worklightadmin.war The WAR file for the administration services web application.
worklightconsole.war The WAR file for the operations console user interface web application.
external-server-libraries The JAR files and JavaScript libraries that allow you to use SSO between MPF and other external servers.

The Android version of the Application Center Mobile client.
The BlackBerry version of the Application Center Mobile client.
The Windows Phone 8 version of the Application Center Mobile client. We must sign the .xap file with the company account before we use it.

ApplicationCenter/installer/IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 Contains the BlackBerry project for the mobile Client for OS v6 and V7. We must compile this project to create the BlackBerry version of the mobile client.
ApplicationCenter/installer/IBMAppCenter Contains the project.for the mobile Client. We must build this project to create the iOS version of the mobile client.

The WAR file for the Application Center console user interface web application.

The WAR file for the Application Center REST services web application.
The enterprise application archive (EAR) file to be deployed under IBM PureApplication System.


The SQL script to re-create the application center database on derby.
The SQL script to re-create the application center database on DB2 .
The SQL script to re-create the application center database on mySQL.
The SQL script to re-create the application center database on Oracle.

In addition, this directory contains the SQL scripts to upgrade the database from earlier versions of MPF.


The directory containing the part of the Android SDK required by the Application Center console.
The JAR file containing the Ant task to deploy an application to the Application Center.
The startup script of the deployment tool for use on Microsoft Windows systems.
The startup script of the deployment tool for use on UNIX systems.
Example of an Ant script to deploy applications to the Application Center.
The startup script of the database converter tool for use on UNIX systems.
The startup script of the database converter tool for use on Microsoft Windows systems.
The main library of the database converter tool.
The directory containing all Java Archive (JAR) files required by the database converter tool.
The required JSON4J Java archive file.
Readme file that explains how to use the deployment tool.

License-mfpce License for MPF Consumer Edition
License-mfpee License for MPF Enterprise Edition
tools/apache-ant-<version> A binary installation of Apache Ant used to run the Ant tasks.
worklight-analytics.ear The IBM MobileFirst Platform Operational Analytics EAR file. Contains the worklight-analytics-service.war file for deployment on WebSphere Application Server and WAS Liberty. For installation instructions,
worklight-analytics.war The WAR file for the analytics console user interface web application.
worklight-analytics-service.war The WAR file for the analytics REST services web application.

Parent topic: Running IBM Installation Manager