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Configure WAS full profile for MobileFirst Server administration

Configure security by mapping the MobileFirst Server administration JEE roles to a set of users for both web applications.

You define the basics of user configuration in the WebSphere Application Server console. Access to the console is usually by this address:


  1. Select Security > Global Security.

  2. Select Security Configuration Wizard to configure users.

    We can manage individual user accounts by selecting Users and Groups > Manage Users.

  3. Map the roles worklightadmin, worklightdeployer, worklightmonitor, and worklightoperator to a set of users.

    1. Select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.

    2. Select the server.

    3. In the Configuration tab, select Applications > Enterprise applications.

    4. Select IBM_Worklight_Administration_Services.

    5. In the Configuration tab, select Details > Security role to user/group mapping.

    6. Perform the necessary customization.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Repeat steps c to g to map the roles for the console web application. In step d, select IBM_Worklight_Console.

    9. Click Save to save the changes.

Parent topic: Assign administration roles to users and groups