Develop hybrid applications
Use IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation to create hybrid applications.
With IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, we can perform the following tasks:
- Add MobileFirst capabilities into existing native applications
- Show the splash screen as soon as the application starts
- Generally control the application startup flow and control the business logic of the apps, by running native code in the apps before they start the web view
By default, hybrid applications start the web view immediately. However, we can use native code in the startup process and start the web view later.
- Call a MobileFirst hybrid web view from native code and call a native page from a web view
- Send actions and data objects between JavaScript code and native code.
The actions are received by action receivers. Actions that cannot be delivered immediately are queued by the MobileFirst framework and delivered after a suitable action receiver is registered.
- Develop hybrid applications for iOS
Develop hybrid applications for iOS as detailed here.
- Develop hybrid applications for Android
Develop hybrid applications for Android as detailed here.
- Develop hybrid applications for BlackBerry
Develop hybrid applications for BlackBerry as detailed here.
- Develop hybrid applications for Windows Phone
Redeploying a Windows Phone 8 app from Microsoft Visual Studio while deploying the changes to the server from MobileFirst Studio can trigger the direct update process.
- Manage the splash screen
Show and hide the splash screen.
- Sending actions and data objects between JavaScript code and native code
Send actions and data objects from JavaScript code to native code and from native code to JavaScript code.
- Guidelines for testing hybrid MobileFirst applications
When we test hybrid applications, take into consideration several scenarios in which unexpected behaviors can manifest themselves.
Parent topic: Develop hybrid and web applications