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Develop hybrid applications for Windows Phone

Redeploying a Windows Phone 8 app from Microsoft Visual Studio while deploying the changes to the server from MobileFirst Studio can trigger the direct update process.

Whenever you deploy the changes to the server from MobileFirst Studio and at the same attempt to redeploy a Windows Phone 8 app from Microsoft Visual Studio, the direct update dialog is displayed notifying the availability of an update. This happens because when you update the app, any data in the isolated storage is preserved.

This behavior occurs only when we have already done a direct update once. Also, note that isolated storage is a place where preferences and direct update resources are stored. For more information about isolated storage, see Isolated Storage.

Windows Phone 8 App contains App Authenticity related native Dynamic-Link Library (.dll) file. This file is compiled differently for ARM and x86 platforms. Therefore, when you test an app on device or on emulator, we must choose the correct platform so the right Dynamic-Link Library file is used for compilation. Select x86 platform when you deploy an app on emulator. Select ARM platform when you deploy an app on device. Any CPU option is not supported.

Parent topic: Develop hybrid applications