Develop hybrid applications for BlackBerry
Develop hybrid applications for BlackBerry as detailed here.
IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation supports development of BlackBerry 6, 7, and 10 hybrid mobile applications.
Important: Blackberry 6 and 7 hybrid mobile application performance might not be on par with the latest BlackBerry 10 operating system due to older embedded browser technologies and hardware. It is best to use prototypes to validate that applications meet your performance targets on Blackberry 6 and 7. When advanced performance is needed, native development should be preferred.
- Create a MobileFirst BlackBerry 10 environment
Follow these instructions to create a MobileFirst BlackBerry 10 environment.
- MobileFirst BlackBerry 10 project with WebWorks SDK 2.0
Follow these instructions to make a MobileFirst BlackBerry 10 project work with BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.0.
Parent topic: Develop hybrid applications