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Tracing the Dashboard Web Console

The trace facilities in the Dashboard Web Console are provided to help IBM staff to diagnose customer problems. Various properties control the behavior of these facilities.

Before starting

Include the following files and directories when you gather diagnostic information for IBM Service:

  • The mqweb.xml file.
  • The contents of the directory that contains the mqweb server definition:

    • MQ_DATA_PATH/web/installations/installationName
    • The directory that was specified when the crtmqweb script ran to create the mqweb server definition. By default, this directory is /var/mqm/web/installation1.

About this task

From IBM MQ Version 9.2.0, the original web console is known as the Dashboard Web Console. This task explains how to trace the Dashboard Web Console. To trace the New Web Console, see Tracing the New Web Console.

The Dashboard Web Console consists of two functional areas, each with their own trace mechanisms:


  • To enable trace for the Dashboard Web ConsoleJavaScript code in the browser, complete the following steps.

    This trace is output only from the browser that it is enabled in. After you log out of the Dashboard Web Console, trace is automatically disabled.

    1. Log on to the Dashboard Web Console
    2. Click the settings icon.
    3. Enter the following command on the command line:
      setmqweb properties -k traceSpec -v "*=info:com.ibm.mq*=all:com.ibm.mq.rest*=all:js.mq*=all"
    4. Ensure that Enable is selected for Messaging trace and Browser trace. Click Save.

    Actions that are performed in your browser then start to be traced. This trace is periodically sent to the IBM MQ Console code that runs in the mqweb server, and is output in the mqweb server trace logs and messaging trace.

  • To enable trace for the IBM MQ Console and REST API code that runs in the mqweb server, enter the following command on the command line:
    setmqweb properties -k traceSpec -v "*=info:com.ibm.mq*=all:com.ibm.mq.rest*=all:js.mq*=all"

    If the mqweb server is running, trace is immediately enabled.

    Trace is output to a set of files. The directory where the trace files are created is:

    • MQ_DATA_PATH/web/installations/installationName/servers/mqweb/log
    • The subdirectory /servers/mqweb/log beneath the directory that was specified when the crtmqweb script ran to create the mqweb server definition. By default, this directory is /var/mqm/web/installation1.

    The active file is called trace.log. Historical trace is kept in files that are called trace_timestamp.log. The size of these trace files, and the number of historical files that are kept can be configured by setting the maxTraceFileSize and maxTraceFiles variables. By default, the maximum trace file size is 20 MB, and the maximum number of trace files is 2. For more information, see Configure logging.

Parent topic: Use trace

Related information

Last updated: 2020-10-04