Updating the IBM Support Assistant (ISA)

We can update ISA by installing product and tool add-ons.

Before starting

Before you start:
  1. Read the concept topic about the IBM Support Assistant (ISA).
  2. Install the IBM Support Assistant.

To install product add-ons and tool add-ons, complete the following steps.


  1. Open the IBM Support Assistant by clicking Programs > IBM Support Assistant > IBM Support Assistant.
  2. Click Update > Find New and select either Product Add-ons or Tools Add-ons.
  3. Select the appropriate product add-ons to install and click Next. Add-ons are categorized by product family, therefore expand WebSphere and select IBM MQ.
  4. Select the appropriate tool add-ons and click Next.
  5. Read and accept the license agreement and click Next.
  6. Click Finish to install the selected add-ons.
  7. When the installation completes, click Finish, then click Yes to restart ISA.

What to do next

When you have installed the add-ons in successfully, click Find Information to search various forms of information for the products that we have selected. We can also use ISA to analyze problems and collect and send data to IBM. Parent topic: IBM Support Assistant (ISA)