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The MFT coordination.properties file

The coordination.properties file specifies the connection details to the coordination queue manager. Because several Managed File Transfer installations might share the same coordination queue manager, we can use a symbolic link to a common coordination.properties file on a shared drive.

The coordination.properties file is created by the installer or by the fteSetupCoordination command. We can use the fteSetupCoordination command with the -f flag to change the basic coordination queue manager properties in this file. To change or add advanced coordination queue manager properties we must edit the file in a text editor.

The coordination.properties file is located in the MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/config/coordination_qmgr_name directory.

The coordination.properties file contains the following values:

Property name Description Default value
coordinationCredentialsKeyFile Name of the file containing the credential key used while encrypting credentials. A string property having no default value.
coordinationQMgr The name of the coordination queue manager. No default
coordinationQMgrHost The host name or IP address of the coordination queue manager. No default
coordinationQMgrPort The port number used for client connections to the coordination queue manager. 1414
coordinationQMgrChannel The SVRCONN channel name used to connect to the coordination queue manager. SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN

If we do not specify a value for the coordinationQMgrHost property, bindings mode is used by default.

If you specify a value for the coordinationQMgrHost property but do not specify values for the coordinationQMgrPort and coordinationQMgrChannel properties, a port number of 1414 and a channel of SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN are used by default.

Property name Description Default value
Agent properties:

The maximum amount of time an agent status message publication can be delayed by before the message is considered as overdue. This value is measured in milliseconds.

The age of a status message is based on the time at which it was published at the coordination queue manager. However, the message is emitted by the agent some time before it is received at the coordination queue manager to allow for the time required to travel across the IBM MQ network. If this transit always takes the same amount of time, messages created 60 seconds apart are published 60 seconds apart, regardless of the actual time in transit. However, if the transit time varies between messages, they might be created at 60-second intervals but published at intervals of, for example, 61, 59, 58, and 62 seconds. The maximum deviation from 60, 2 seconds in this example, is the jitter. This property determines the maximum delay due to jitter before the message is treated as overdue.

Code page properties:
coordinationCcsid The code page the commands connect to the coordination queue manager with. Also any publications to the coordination queue manager made by the agent are performed with this code page. If you specify a value for coordinationCcsid we must also specify a value for coordinationCcsidName. 1208
coordinationCcsidName The Java representation of the coordinationCcsid. If you specify a value for coordinationCcsidName we must also specify a value for coordinationCcsid. UTF8
Connection properties:
javaLibraryPath When connecting to a queue manager in bindings mode Managed File Transfer must have access to the IBM MQ Java bindings libraries. By default Managed File Transfer looks for the bindings libraries in the default location defined by IBM MQ. If the bindings libraries are in a different location use this property to specify the location of the bindings libraries. MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/java/lib
Multi-instance queue manager properties:
coordinationQMgrStandby The host name and the port number used for client connections, in IBM MQ CONNAME format, for the standby instance of a multi-instance coordination queue manager defined by the coordinationQMgr property. For example, host_name(port_number) No default
Queue properties:
dynamicQueuePrefix This property defines the IBM MQ prefix to use for generating a temporary queue name.

The format of the dynamicQueuePrefix property follows the format of the DynamicQName field of the IBM MQ MQOD structure. For more information, see Create dynamic queues.

We can also define this property in the command.properties file if we want to use a specific IBM MQ prefix for temporary reply queues that are generated by commands that require a response from the agent.

modelQueueName This property defines the IBM MQ model queue to use for generating a temporary queue.

We can also define this property in the command.properties file if we want to use a specific IBM MQ model queue for temporary reply queues that are generated by commands that require a response from the agent. For more information, see The MFT command.properties file.

Security properties:
userIdForClientConnect The user ID that gets flowed through the client connections to IBM MQ. If java is specified the user name reported by the JVM is flowed as part of the IBM MQ connection request. The value of this property can be None or java. None
coordinationQMgrAuthenticationCredentialsFile The path to the file that contains the MQ connection credentials for connection to the coordination queue manager.

For details on creating the Authentication Credentials File see Create an MFT credentials file

See Configure MQMFTCredentials.xml for information on the location and permissions of this file.

Further details on creating the Authentication Credentials File are in MFT and IBM MQ connection authentication

Subscription properties:
coordinationSubscriptionTopic Use this property to specify a topic other than SYSTEM.FTE to subscribe to in order to obtain publications about the status of the IBM MQ network. All tooling still publishes to the SYSTEM.FTE topic, but we can change the IBM MQ topology to distribute these publications to different topics based on their content. We can then use this function to force the tooling to subscribe to one of these other topics.

For IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 and later fix packs, you require an interim fix for APAR IC96850 for the property to be recognized by IBM MQ Explorer and the fteListMonitors command.


For SSL properties, see SSL properties for MFT.

Here is an example of the contents of a coordination.properties file:
In this example, ERIS is the name of a IBM MQ queue manager that is located on the system kuiper.example.com. The queue manager ERIS is the queue manager that Managed File Transfer sends log information to. Parent topic: Managed File Transfer configuration reference

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Last updated: 2020-10-04