Preparing your program to run

After you have written the program for the IBM MQ application to create an executable application, you have to compile or assemble it, then link-edit the resulting object code with the stub program that IBM MQ for z/OS supplies for each environment that it supports.

How you prepare your program depends on both the environment (batch, CICS, IMS(BMP or MPP), Linux or UNIX System services) in which the application runs, and the structure of the data sets on your z/OS installation.

Dynamically calling the IBM MQ stub describes an alternative method of making MQI calls in your programs so that we do not need to link-edit an IBM MQ stub. This method is not available for all languages and environments.

Do not link-edit a higher level of stub program than that of the version of IBM MQ for z/OS on which your program is running. For example, a program running on MQSeries for OS/390, V5.2 must not be link-edited with a stub program supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS V7.

Parent topic: Building your procedural application on z/OS