Building your procedural application on z/OS

The CICS, IMS, and z/OS publications describe how to build applications that run in these environments.

This collection of topics describes the additional tasks, and the changes to the standard tasks, that we must perform when building IBM MQ for z/OS applications for these environments. COBOL, C, C++, Assembler, and PL/I programming languages are supported. (For information about building C++ applications see Use C++.)

The tasks that we must perform to create an executable IBM MQ for z/OS application depend on both the programming language that the program is written in, and the environment in which the application will run.

In addition to coding the MQI calls in your program, add the appropriate language statements to include the IBM MQ for z/OS data definition file for the language that we are using. Make yourself familiar with the contents of these files. See IBM MQ data definition files for a full description.


The name thlqual is the high-level qualifier of the installation library on z/OS.

  • Preparing your program to run
    After you have written the program for the IBM MQ application to create an executable application, you have to compile or assemble it, then link-edit the resulting object code with the stub program that IBM MQ for z/OS supplies for each environment that it supports.
  • Dynamically calling the IBM MQ stub
    Instead of link-editing the IBM MQ stub program with your object code, we can dynamically call the stub from within your program.
  • Debugging your programs
    Use this information to learn about debugging TSO and CICS programs, and an insight into CICS trace.

Parent topic: Building a procedural application