Use this information when building CICS
applications in z/OS .
To build an application for IBM MQ for z/OS that runs
under CICS, we must:
Translate the CICS commands in your program into
the language in which the rest of our program is written.
Compile or assemble the output from the translator to produce object code.
For PL/I programs, use the compiler option EXTRN(SHORT).
For C applications, if the application is not using XPLINK, use the compiler option
Link-edit the object code to create a load module.
CICS provides a procedure to execute these steps in
sequence for each of the programming languages it supports.
For CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, the
CICS Transaction Server for z/OS System Definition Guide describes how to use these
procedures and the CICS/ESA Application
Programming Guide gives more information on the translation process.
We must include:
In the SYSLIB statement of the compilation (or assembly) stage, statements that make the product
data definition files available to the compiler. The data definitions are supplied in the following
IBM MQ for z/OS libraries:
For assembler language, thlqual.SCSQMACS
For C, thlqual.SCSQC370
For PL/I, thlqual.SCSQPLIC
In your link-edit JCL, the IBM MQ for z/OS
CICS stub program (CSQCSTUB). Figure 1 shows fragments of JCL code to do this. The stub is
language-independent and is supplied in library thlqual.SCSQLOAD.Figure 1. Fragments of JCL to link-edit the object module in the CICS environment
For CICS versions later than CICS TS 3.2, or, if we want to use IBM MQ message property APIs, or IBM MQ APIs MQCB, MQCTL, MQSTAT, MQSUB or MQSUBR, we must
linkedit your object code with the CICS supplied
stub, DFHMQSTB and not the IBM MQ supplied CSQCSTUB. For
more information about building IBM MQ programs for
CICS, see API stub
program to access IBM MQ MQI calls in the
CICS product documentation.
When you have completed these steps, store the load module in an application load library and
define the program to CICS in the usual way.
Before you run a CICS program, the system
administrator must define it to CICS as an IBM MQ program and transaction, We can then run it in the
typical way.