Function calls
This section gives information on all of the MQI calls that are possible. Descriptions, syntax, parameter information, usage notes, and language invocations for each possible language are given for each of the different calls.
Call descriptions
This section describes MQI calls.
MQBACK - Back out changes
The MQBACK call indicates to the queue manager that all the message gets and puts that have occurred since the last sync point are to be backed out.
MQBEGIN - Begin unit of work
The MQBEGIN call begins a unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager, and that can involve external resource managers.
MQBUFMH - Convert buffer into message handle
The MQBUFMH function call converts a buffer into a message handle and is the inverse of the MQMHBUF call.
MQCB - Manage callback
The MQCB call registers a callback for the specified object handle and controls activation and changes to the callback.
MQCB_FUNCTION - Callback function
The MQCB_FUNCTION function call is the callback function for event handling and asynchronous message consumption.
MQCLOSE - Close object
The MQCLOSE call relinquishes access to an object, and is the inverse of the MQOPEN and MQSUB calls.
MQCMIT - Commit changes
The MQCMIT call indicates to the queue manager that the application has reached a sync point, and that all the message gets and puts that have occurred since the last sync point are to be made permanent.
MQCONN - Connect queue manager
The MQCONN call connects an application program to a queue manager.
MQCONNX - Connect queue manager (extended)
The MQCONNX call connects an application program to a queue manager. It provides a queue manager connection handle, which is used by the application on subsequent IBM MQ calls.
MQCRTMH - Create message handle
The MQCRTMH call returns a message handle.
MQCTL - Control callbacks
The MQCTL call performs controlling actions on callbacks and the object handles opened for a connection.
MQDISC - Disconnect queue manager
The MQDISC call breaks the connection between the queue manager and the application program, and is the inverse of the MQCONN or MQCONNX call.
MQDLTMH - Delete message handle
The MQDLTMH call deletes a message handle and is the inverse of the MQCRTMH call.
MQDLTMP - Delete message property
The MQDLTMP call deletes a property from a message handle and is the inverse of the MQSETMP call.
MQGET - Get message
The MQGET call retrieves a message from a local queue that has been opened using the MQOPEN call.
MQINQ - Inquire object attributes
The MQINQ call returns an array of integers and a set of character strings containing the attributes of an object.
MQINQMP - Inquire message property
The MQINQMP call returns the value of a property of a message.
MQMHBUF - Convert message handle into buffer
The MQMHBUF call converts a message handle into a buffer and is the inverse of the MQBUFMH call.
MQOPEN - Open object
The MQOPEN call establishes access to an object.
MQPUT - Put message
The MQPUT call puts a message on a queue or distribution list, or to a topic. The queue, distribution list, or topic must already be open.
MQPUT1 - Put one message
The MQPUT1 call puts one message on a queue, or distribution list, or to a topic.
MQSET - Set object attributes
Use the MQSET call to change the attributes of an object represented by a handle. The object must be a queue.
MQSETMP - Set message property
Use the MQSETMP call to set or modify a property of a message handle.
MQSTAT - Retrieve status information
Use the MQSTAT call to retrieve status information. The type of status information returned is determined by the Type value specified on the call.
MQSUB - Register subscription
Use the MQSUB call to register the applications subscription to a particular topic.
MQSUBRQ - Subscription request
Use the MQSUBRQ call to make a request for the retained publication, when the subscriber has been registered with MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST.
Parent topic: MQI applications reference