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Publish/subscribe clustering: Best practices

Use clustered topics makes extending the publish/subscribe domain between queue managers simple, but can lead to problems if the mechanics and implications are not fully understood. There are two models for information sharing and publication routing. Implement the model that best meets your individual business needs, and performs best on your chosen cluster.

The best practice information in the following sections does not provide a one size fits all solution, but rather shares common approaches to solving common problems. It assumes that we have a basic understanding of IBM MQ clusters, and of publish/subscribe messaging, and that you are familiar with the information in Distributed publish/subscribe networks and Designing publish/subscribe clusters.

When we use a cluster for point-to-point messaging, each queue manager in the cluster works on a need-to-know basis. That is, it only finds out about other cluster resources, such as other queue managers in the cluster and clustered queues, when applications connecting to them request to use them. When you add publish/subscribe messaging to a cluster, an increased level of sharing of information and connectivity between cluster queue managers is introduced. To be able to follow best practices for publish/subscribe clusters, you need to fully understand the implications of this change in behavior.

To allow you to build the best architecture, based on your precise needs, there are two models for information sharing and publication routing in publish/subscribe clusters: direct routing and topic host routing. To make the right choice, you need to understand both models, and the different requirements that each model satisfies. These requirements are discussed in the following sections, in conjunction with Plan the distributed publish/subscribe network:

Reasons to limit the number of cluster queue managers involved in publish/subscribe activity

There are capacity and performance considerations when we use publish/subscribe messaging in a cluster. Therefore, it is best practice to consider carefully the need for publish/subscribe activity across queue managers, and to limit it to only the number of queue managers that require it. After the minimum set of queue managers that need to publish and subscribe to topics are identified, they can be made members of a cluster that contains only them and no other queue managers.

This approach is especially useful if we have an established cluster already functioning well for point-to-point messaging. When you are turning an existing large cluster into a publish/subscribe cluster, it is a better practice to initially create a separate cluster for the publish/subscribe work where the applications can be tried, rather than using the current cluster. We can use a subset of existing queue managers that are already in one or more point-to-point clusters, and make this subset members of the new publish/subscribe cluster. However, the full repository queue managers for your new cluster must not be members of any other cluster; this isolates the additional load from the existing cluster full repositories.

If we cannot create a new cluster, and have to turn an existing large cluster into a publish/subscribe cluster, do not use a direct routed model. The topic host routed model usually performs better in larger clusters, because it generally restricts the publish/subscribe information sharing and connectivity to the set of queue managers that are actively performing publish/subscribe work, concentrating on the queue managers hosting the topics. The exception to that is if a manual refresh of the subscription information is invoked on a queue manager hosting a topic definition, at which point the topic host queue manager will connect to every queue manager in the cluster. See Resynchronization of proxy subscriptions.

If you establish that a cluster cannot be used for publish/subscribe due to its size or current load, it is good practice to prevent this cluster unexpectedly being made into a publish/subscribe cluster. Use the PSCLUS queue manager property to stop anyone adding a clustered topic on any queue manager in the cluster. See Inhibiting clustered publish/subscribe.

How to decide which topics to cluster

It is important to choose carefully which topics are added to the cluster: The higher up the topic tree these topics are, the more widespread their use becomes. This can result in more subscription information and publications being propagated than necessary. If there are multiple, distinct branches of the topic tree, where some need to be clustered and some do not, create administered topic objects at the root of each branch that needs clustering and add those to the cluster. For example, if branches /A, /B and /C need clustering, define a separate clustered topic objects for each branch. Note: The system prevents you from nesting clustered topic definitions in the topic tree. You are only permitted to cluster topics at one point in the topic tree for each sub branch. For example, we cannot define clustered topic objects for /A and for /A/B. Nesting clustered topics can lead to confusion over which clustered object applies to which subscription, especially when subscriptions are using wildcards. This is even more important when using topic host routing, where routing decisions are precisely defined by your allocation of topic hosts.

If clustered topics must be added high up the topic tree, but some branches of the tree below the clustered point do not require the clustered behavior, we can use the subscription and publication scope attributes to reduce the level of subscription and publication sharing for further topics.

You should not put the topic root node into the cluster without considering the behavior that is seen. Make global topics obvious where possible, for example by using a high-level qualifier in the topic string: /global or /cluster.

There is a further reason for not wanting to make the root topic node clustered. This is because every queue manager has a local definition for the root node, the SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC topic object. When this object is clustered on one queue manager in the cluster, all other queue managers are made aware of it. However, when a local definition of the same object exists, its properties override the cluster object. This results in those queue managers acting as if the topic was not clustered. To resolve this, you would need to cluster every definition of SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC. You could do this for direct routed definitions, but not for topic host routed definitions, because it causes every queue manager to become a topic host.

How to size your system

Publish/subscribe clusters typically result in a different pattern of cluster channels to point-to-point messaging in a cluster. The point-to-point model is an 'opt in' one, but publish/subscribe clusters have a more indiscriminate nature with subscription fan-out, especially when using direct routed topics. Therefore, it is important to identify which queue managers in a publish/subscribe cluster will use cluster channels to connect to other queue managers, and under what circumstances.

The following table lists the typical set of cluster sender and receiver channels expected for each queue manager in a publish/subscribe cluster under normal running, dependent on the queue manager role in the publish/subscribe cluster.

Table 1. Cluster sender and receiver channels for each routing method.
Queue manager role Direct cluster receivers Direct cluster senders Topic cluster receivers Topic cluster senders
Full repository AllQmgrs AllQmgrs AllQmgrs AllQMgrs
Host of topic definition n/a n/a AllSubs+AllPubs (1) AllSubs (1)
Subscriptions created AllPubs (1) AllQMgrs AllHosts AllHosts
Publishers connected AllSubs (1) AllSubs (1) AllHosts AllHosts
No publishers or subscribers AllSubs (1) None (1) None (2) None (2)


  1. If a queue manager refresh of proxy subscriptions is made from this queue manager, a channel to and from all other queue managers in the cluster might be automatically created.
  2. If a queue manager refresh of proxy subscriptions is made from this queue manager, a channel to and from any other queue managers in the cluster that host a definition of a clustered topic might be automatically created.

The previous table shows that topic host routing typically uses significantly less cluster sender and receiver channels than direct routing. If channel connectivity is a concern for certain queue managers in a cluster, for reasons of capacity or ability to establish certain channels (for example, through firewalls), topic host routing is therefore a preferred solution.

Publisher and subscription location

Clustered publish/subscribe enables messages published on one queue manager to be delivered to subscriptions on any other queue manager in the cluster. As for point-to-point messaging, the cost of transmitting messages between queue managers can be detrimental to performance. Therefore you should consider creating subscriptions to topics on the same queue managers as where messages are being published.

When using topic host routing within a cluster, it is important to also consider the location of the subscriptions and publishers with respect to the topic hosting queue managers. When the publisher is not connected to a queue manager that is a host of the clustered topic, messages published are always sent to a topic hosting queue manager. Similarly, when a subscription is created on a queue manager that is not a topic host for a clustered topic, messages published from other queue managers in the cluster are always sent to a topic hosting queue manager first. More specifically, if the subscription is located on a queue manager that hosts the topic, but there is one or more other queue managers that also host that same topic, a proportion of publications from other queue managers are routed through those other topic hosting queue managers. See Topic host routing using centralized publishers or subscribers for more information on designing a topic host routed publish/subscribe cluster to minimize the distance between publishers and subscriptions.

Publication traffic

Messages published by an application connected to one queue manager in a cluster are transmitted to subscriptions on other queue managers using cluster sender channels.

When we use direct routing, the messages published take the shortest path between queue managers. That is, they go direct from the publishing queue manager to each of the queue managers with subscriptions. Messages are not transmitted to queue managers that do not have subscriptions for the topic. See Proxy subscriptions in a publish/subscribe network.

Where the rate of publication messages between any one queue manager and another in the cluster is high, the cluster channel infrastructure between those two points must be able to maintain the rate. This might involve tuning the channels and transmission queue being used.

When we use topic host routing, each message published on a queue manager that is not a topic host is transmitted to a topic host queue manager. This is independent of whether one or more subscriptions exist anywhere else in the cluster. This introduces further factors to consider in planning:

These problems might also be eased by introducing multiple topic hosts, to spread the publication load across them:

Subscription change and dynamic topic strings

Another consideration is the effect on performance of the system for propagating proxy subscriptions. Typically, a queue manager sends a proxy subscription message to certain other queue managers in the cluster when the first subscription for a specific clustered topic string (not just a configured topic object) is created on that queue manager. Similarly, a proxy subscription deletion message is sent when the last subscription for a specific clustered topic string is deleted.

For direct routing, each queue manager with subscriptions sends those proxy subscriptions to every other queue manager in the cluster. For topic host routing, each queue manager with subscriptions only sends the proxy subscriptions to each queue manager that hosts a definition for that clustered topic. Therefore, with direct routing, the more queue managers there are in the cluster, the higher the overhead of maintaining proxy subscriptions across them. Whereas, with topic host routing, the number of queue managers in the cluster is not a factor.

In both routing models, if a publish/subscribe solution consists of many unique topic strings being subscribed to, or the topics on a queue manager in the cluster are frequently being subscribed and unsubscribed, a significant overhead will be seen on that queue manager, caused by constantly generating messages distributing and deleting the proxy subscriptions. With direct routing, this is compounded by the need to send these messages to every queue manager in the cluster.

If the rate of change of subscriptions is too high to accommodate, even within a topic host routed system, see Subscription performance in publish/subscribe networks for information about ways to reduce proxy subscription overhead.