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Designing publish/subscribe clusters

There are two basic publish/subscribe cluster topologies: direct routing and topic host routing. Each has different benefits. When you design your publish/subscribe cluster, choose the topology that best fits your expected network requirements.

For an overview of the two publish/subscribe cluster topologies, see Publish/subscribe clusters. To help you evaluate your network requirements, see Plan the distributed publish/subscribe network and Publish/subscribe clustering: Best practices.

In general, both cluster topologies provide the following benefits:

However, the two topologies have different benefits as the requirements become more specific.

Direct routed publish/subscribe clusters

With direct routing, any queue manager in the cluster sends publications from connected applications direct to any other queue manager in the cluster with a matching subscription.

A direct routed publish/subscribe cluster provides the following benefits:

Things to consider when using a direct routed publish/subscribe cluster:

For the above reasons, all queue managers in a cluster with a direct routed topic defined will incur an additional overhead. The more queue managers there are in the cluster, the greater the overhead. Likewise the more topic strings subscribed to, and the greater their rate of change, the greater the overhead. This can result in too much load on queue managers running on small systems in a large or dynamic direct routed publish/subscribe cluster. See Direct routed publish/subscribe performance for further information.

When you know that a cluster cannot accommodate the overheads of direct routed clustered publish/subscribe, we can instead use topic host routed publish/subscribe. Alternatively, in extreme situations, we can completely disable clustered publish/subscribe functionality by setting the queue manager attribute PSCLUS to DISABLED on every queue manager in the cluster. See Inhibiting clustered publish/subscribe. This prevents any clustered topic from being created, and therefore ensures that your network does not incur any overheads associated with clustered publish/subscribe.

Topic host routed publish/subscribe clusters

With topic host routing, the queue managers where clustered topics are administratively defined become routers for publications. Publications from non-hosting queue managers in the cluster are routed through the hosting queue manager to any queue manager in the cluster with a matching subscription.

A topic host routed publish/subscribe cluster provides the following extra benefits over a direct routed publish/subscribe cluster:

Things to consider when using a topic host routed publish/subscribe cluster: