Store credentials

We can store credentials for URLs that require authentication, such as repositories, proxy servers, and response files.

If we are storing credentials for a service repository, we must have an IBM user name and password. To register for an IBM user name and password, go to: For information about service repositories, see Search service repositories.

The -keyring and -password options that are used to create key ring files are deprecated. Use the -secureStorageFile and masterPasswordFile options to store user credentials.

When we use the -secureStorageFile and masterPasswordFile options, we create a storage file that contains our credentials.

If we use an existing storage file, the new credentials are added and the previous credentials are not overwritten.


  1. If we do not have a master password file, create the file. The master password file is a text file that contains a passphrase. An example of a passphrase is:

      This text is the master password

    To secure this file, set permissions to restrict access to this file as appropriate for your operating system.

  2. Save our credentials

      cd tools directory
      imutilsc saveCredential \
      -url address | -passportAdvantage \
      -userName user_name -userPassword password \
      -secureStorageFile storage_file \
      -masterPasswordFile master_password_file \
      [ -preferences|false ] \
      [ -proxyHost proxy_host -proxyPort proxy_port \
      [ -proxyUsername proxy_user_name -proxyUserPassword proxy_user_password ] \
      [ -useSocks ] ] \
      [ -verbose ]


Example commands to save credentials a storage file..

Repeat these steps to store the credentials for multiple URLs in one storage file.

After the storage file is created, we can use the -secureStorageFile storage_file and -masterPasswordFile master_password_file options with the install or uninstall commands.

Store credentials in a key ring file (v1.6.1 and earlier)

For versions 1.6.1 and earlier, use the -keyring and -password options to save credentials.

To create a key ring file, use the Installation Manager imutilsc command-line tool from the Installation Manager tools directory to authenticate with repositories.

Installation Manager uses the Eclipse infrastructure to save credentials to a key ring file. When we use the -keyring keyring_file -password password argument, Eclipse creates a key ring file if a key ring file does not exist.

If we use an existing key ring file, the new credentials are added and the previous credentials are not overwritten.

If we use key ring files and share an instance of Installation Manager with other users, see Save credentials in a key ring file when we share an instance of Installation Manager.

For more information about key ring files, see the Eclipse workbench user guide.


To store credentials in a key ring file using the Installation Manager imutilsc command:

  1. From the command line, open the tools directory.

  2. Run the command:
    imutilsc saveCredential   
    	-url address | -passportAdvantage 
    	-userName user_name -userPassword password 
    	-keyring keyring_file [ -password password ]  
    	[ -preferences|false ]
    	[ -proxyHost proxy_host -proxyPort proxy_port
    		[ -proxyUsername proxy_user_name 
    		  -proxyUserPassword proxy_user_password ]
     		[ -useSocks ] ]   
    	[ -verbose ] 

    • Do not use the -url and -passportAdvantage options in the same command.
    • Enclose file paths that include spaces with double quotation marks.

    • We can specify only the preference key for the -preferences option. See Silent installation preference keys. The default value for the preference key is false.
    The key ring file is saved to the specified location.
  3. Repeat these steps to store the credentials for multiple URLs in one key ring file.


Your credentials are saved in the key ring file in the location that you specified with the -keyring keyring_file option.

What to do next

After we create a key ring file, we can use the -keyring keyring_file -password password options with the install or uninstall commands.