Update packages using wizard mode
Use Installation Manager to locate and install product updates and new features for packages installed with Installation Manager. Before we can update a package, Installation Manager must have access to the repository containing the package updates. Internet access might be required.
If we have an IBM Passport Advantage account, we can update packages from the Passport Advantage site.
If we are installing updates from a repository that is not on the Passport Advantage site, we must specify the repository in the preferences before updating.
Each installed package has an embedded location for its default update repository. For Installation Manager to search the default repository locations for the installed packages, the Search service repositories during installation and updates preference must be selected. For more information, see Search service repositories.
During the update, any installed fixes that do not apply to the update are uninstalled.
If we use another installer besides Installation Manager to update a package, Installation Manager might not be able to recognize the change. You might be required to uninstall the update from the other installer to use Installation Manager to update later.
To find and install available updates:
- Close all programs that were installed with Installation Manager.
- In Installation Manager, click Update.
- If a new version of Installation Manager is found, we are prompted to confirm the installation before we can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, restarts, and resumes.
- In the Update wizard, review the list of available updates. Information about the translations and architecture for the package group are shown.
- To update all packages with only recommended fixes, select Update all packages with recommended updates and recommended fixes.
If we select Update all packages with recommended updates and recommended fixes and a package does not have recommend fixes, you receive the error: No updates or fixes were found for the packages installed in the selected locations. A package might have fixes that are not recommended.
- To update packages with fixes that are not recommended or to update a specific package, select the package group that contains the package.
- Click Next.
Installation Manager searches for updates in the added and predefined repositories.
Some packages require entitlement for updates. If we are not entitled to an update, we cannot select the update. The Status column contains a Not entitled message for updates that are not entitled. Entitlement is based on your IBM ID credentials.- Available updates are shown in the Updates list on the Update Packages page. Only the latest updates are shown by default. Clear Show recommended only (which is selected by default) to show all updates that are found for the available packages. The Only fixes for Version version option shows when fixes are available for the installed package. The fixes do not update the installed package to a later version. The Version version option shows when updates are available for the installed package. The updates install a later version of the package.
Some packages require entitlement for fixes. If we are not entitled to a fix, we cannot select the fix. The Status column contains a Not entitled message for fixes that are not entitled. Entitlement is based on your IBM ID credentials.
- To learn more about an update, click the update and review its description under Details.
- If more information about the update is available, a More info link is included at the end of the description text. Click the link to view the information in a browser. Review this information before installing the update.
- Select the versions or click Select Recommended to restore the default selections. Updates that have a dependency relationship are automatically selected and cleared together. Click Next.
- Select the fixes to install and click Next.
If we select a version in the previous step that does not have any available fixes, we do not see this screen.
- On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the selected updates. A list of licenses for the updates you selected is shown. Click each item to view the license agreement text.
- Click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
- Click Next.
- Select the features to install and click Next.
- Review your choices before installing the updates.
On Windows, Installation Manager checks for running processes. If processes are blocking the update, the Blocking Processes section includes a list of these processes. We must click Stop All Blocking Processes before you continue the update. The running processes lock files that Installation Manager must access or modify. If there are no processes that must be stopped, we do not see this list.
- To change your choices, click Back.
- When we are finished, click Update to download and install the updates.
What to do next
If the update uninstalled any installed fixes that do not apply to the update and you require these fixes, we can roll back the updates. For detailed steps, see Roll back updated packages using wizard mode.