IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with messaging systems > WebSphere MQ Java Message Service (MQ JMS) > Work with MQ JMS bindings
Generate an MQ JMS export binding
Generating a WebSphere MQ JMS export binding with either a one-way operation or request-response operation is shown. Once generated, the binding properties are discussed.
Prerequisites: You should have a module.If you intend to use the standard JMS message class with a body type containing the message then create business objects for these body types. A function is provided that will create the entire set of business objects for the JMS body types. In your module, open the dependencies editor. Under Predefined Resources, select Native Body schema for Native Body DataHandler. Save your work and close the dependencies editor. In the navigation view under Data Types, the business objects are created.
Afterward, create an interface for your export that contains the appropriate data types for input and output.
For example, if you were using the TextMessage body, create an interface with an operation such as handleText with an input type of TextBody and an output type of TextBody. These data types will be selectable from the types in the interface editor.
In this set of steps, you will learn how to create a WebSphere MQ JMS binding for an export. An MQ JMS binding is used when you want to have your service accessed in an asynchronous manner from the WebSphere MQ Messaging client.
- Open the assembly editor. Under Inbound Exports, select MQ JMS and drag it to the assembly editor. Select an interface or create one.
Alternately, under Components, select Export and drag it on to the canvas. An export with no implementation and no interface is created. Right-click the export, select Add Interface from the menu and add an interface that describes your interaction with a WebSphere MQ application. Create an export with an MQ JMS binding by right-clicking the export and from the menu selecting Generate Binding > Messaging Binding >MQ JMS Binding.
- The Configure WebSphere MQ JMS Export Service window box opens. There is a slight difference between an interface with a one-way operation and an interface with a request-response operation. An interface with a request-response operation has an additional field for a send destination.
Select the messaging domain: Point-to-Point or Publish-Subscribe.
Select if you want to Configure new messaging provider resources (the default) or Use pre-configured messaging provider resources.
If you choose Configure new messaging provider resources, enter the WebSphere MQ queue name for the receive destination for a one-way request operation, and send and receive destination for a request-response operation. You may specify the WebSphere MQ queue manager or use the default queue, which is preselected.
If you choose Use pre-configured messaging provider resources, enter the JNDI name for the ActivationSpec and receive destination for a one-way operation. Enter receive and send destinations for a request-response operation and the connection factory JNDI name.
If you are using a remote queue manager, specify the name and, after you generate the binding, update the CLIENT transport properties in the endpoint configuration section.
You should periodically check your binding configuration information at run time in the administrative console. In particular check the state of the endpoint. Under some conditions the endpoint may go into a paused state and you will need to restart it (see
Viewing or changing the state of an endpoint).
If you specify JNDI names and then switch to specifying your own configuration properties both sets of values remain in memory until you close the editor. You are saved from reentering the values while you decide.
In the Default data format field, select how the data will be serialized between the business object and the JMS message with a binding. To change the default, click Select beside the field to launch the Data Transformation Configuration window. Your selections are as follows:
- Use a data format transformation in the binding registry. This list includes the prepackaged JMS data format transformations. Selecting Show the deprecated data format transformations adds previous transformations that have been deprecated.
- Use a custom data format transformation you have created in your workspace
- Create a new data format transformation configuration.
In the Function selector section, select the function selector configuration you want to use. A function selector selects an operation to invoke on your component at run time. Clicking Select beside the Function selector field, launches the Function Selector Configuration window and provides the following selections:
- Use an existing function selector (default) lists the function selector configurations available. This list includes the prepackaged function selectors.
- Use a custom function selector that you have created in your workspace.
- Create a new function selector configuration.
In the next section, if you want to use the default module to module fault handling, which is a SOAP transport, select it.
A common way for specifying a userid and password is through using the Java EE Connector (J2C) authentication data entries. The entries are defined on the server. In the Security configuration section, select Specify a Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS) alias security credential when server security is enabled, if it is used by your organization. Enter the Java EE Connector (J2C) authentication data entry.
Click OK. The MQ JMS binding is created and shown in the properties view when the Binding tab is selected. Sub tabs under the binding tab provide binding information details, which are discussed in the next steps.
- Selecting the End-point configuration tab and the Request tab, opens the activation specification (ActivationSpec class) properties and receive destination properties under ActivationSpec Properties. You may specify a JNDI lookup name. A JNDI lookup name points to a preconfigured set of values specified on the target server. Using a JNDI name often occurs when a system administrator sets up the connection information for you. You will also see a JNDI lookup name field for Failed Event Replay Connection Factory, which lets you replay events that have failed. Use the select button or enter the JNDI lookup name for the connection factory configuration used to replay failed events.
The ActivationSpec Properties section specifies the message configuration properties such as the transport, which defaults to BINDINGS. With the bindings mode, WebSphere MQ JMS classes use the Java™ Native Interface (JNI) to call directly into the existing queue manager API rather than communicating through a network. Since bindings is a shared memory protocol, it may offer better performance.
If you are using a remote queue manager requiring a client binding or you have chosen to use a client binding, then select CLIENT. The client configuration properties become active requiring you to either specify the host name, channel and port or the client channel definition table URI. See Using binding or client transports for more information. Further down this page, though not shown in the screen capture below, are MQ local address properties. Advanced specifies some lower level properties.
Enable connection on startup specifies that a connection should be made according to the messaging endpoints when the application starts (default).
If deselected, the connection will not be made and the application can determine the flow of messages.
Enable XA specifies whether the connection factory is for XA or non-XA coordination of messages. XA should be selected if multiple resources are used in the same transaction (default). If deselected, the resource manager is used for local transaction calls (session.commit and session.rollback) instead of XA calls. This selection can mprove performance but only a single resource can be enlisted in a transaction.
Receive Destination Properties specifies the type of receive destination, queue or topic, the destination name that you specified earlier and the target client type, JMS by default though MQ is selectable. Alternately, you can use a JNDI name.
- Selecting the Response tab in the case of a request-response operation has connection factory fields for the send destination properties similar to the receive destination properties of the request. If you specify a JNDI name, this information is not available as it is configured on the server; that is, the destination specified on the server under this JNDI name will be used. The default encoding properties for integer, decimal and floating point numbers are listed.
- Selecting Method bindings shows the bound methods. By default, all methods are bound. If you add a method to the interface after you created the binding, however, a Bind operation check box becomes available for you to add it to the bound methods.
The Generic tab lets you add a description of the method binding.
The Data Serialization tab lets you specify the input and output serialization types, which determines how the data will be serialized between the business object and the JMS message.
Message type is used by the server to create and send the outgoing message. It is used with some data format transformers. If the server does not use the message type specified then it is disabled. Valid types are byte, map, object, stream or text.
Under JMS Headers, the properties you can specify are as follows. The JMS type property conforms to the JMSType specified in the
JMS specification. This property contains a message type identifier supplied by a client when a message is sent. The JMS correlation ID property conforms to the JMSCorrelationID in the JMS specification. A typical use is to link a response message with its request message. In IBM Integration Designer, the ID is used by the message selector to select only messages with that ID. It can be any string value specified at run time. JMS delivery mode can be either persistent, guaranteed delivery is required, or non-persistent, an occasional lost message is tolerable. JMS priority specifies a level priority value with 0 as the lowest and 9 as the highest. 4, the default, is considered normal priority.
Custom Headers allow you to specify a name, type and value for a property.Clicking Advanced found lower on this page and not in this screen capture lets you specify the input and output serialization types, which determines how the data will be serialized between the business object and the JMS message.
- Selecting the Faults configuration tab lets you configure the business fault data format for the faults in the interface. The configuration of faults is optional. The configuration can apply to all operations, a specific operation or a specific fault.
If fault configuration is new to you, see Handling faults in bindings for an overview.
Click Select beside Business fault data format . Your selections are as follows:
- Use a data format transformation in the binding registry. This list includes the prepackaged JMS data format transformations.
- Use a custom data format transformation you have created in your workspace
- Create a new data format transformation configuration .
- Selecting Security attributes with the Request tab shows the authentication properties under Authentication Properties section. The J2C Authentication Data Entry property lets you specify an authentication alias that should be configured on the server with a userid and password. If Advanced is selected, authentication properties are shown such as the level of the authentication; for example, at the container level. If the connection transport type has been set to CLIENT, then Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption can be enabled.
- If you selected Configure response connection earlier in the End-point configuration tab, then selecting the Response tab will provide you with authentication properties for the response connection. Also, if the connection transport type has been set to CLIENT, then Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption can be enabled for the response.
- The Message Configuration tab shows the correlation scheme for the response message. Request Message ID to Correlation ID adds a request ID to the request message. It is expected that the reply copies the request ID to the correlation ID field of the response message so that the caller can correlate the reply message with the request message. Request Correlation ID to Correlation ID adds the correlation ID to the request message. It is expected that the reply copies the request correlation ID to the correlation ID field of the response message so that the caller can correlate the reply message with the request message.
The Asynchronous Reliability property can have these values: assured (default) or bestEffort. Select assured if you want a message to persist through a transaction. In other words, if you want guaranteed delivery of the message. Select bestEffort if you want a high throughput of messages and your application can accept and handle the loss of a message, as persistence is not guaranteed. Event sequence required specifies if the same order of events as received from WebSphere MQ must be followed by the component receiving the events.
Failed message recovery mode lets you allow the binding to manage the recovery of failed messages (the default) or rely on the transport-specific method of recovery. Allow binding to manage recovery for failed messages creates a recovery queue on deployment to handle failed messages. Binding errors are handled as failed events that can be retrieved later. Rely on transport-specific recovery for failed events does not set up a recovery mechanism.
- The Propagation tab lets you select two types of context propagation. Context propagation takes information associated with a runtime or an application and passes it along with requests that are the result of interactions with that run time or application. The default is to use runtime context propagation. See Propagation.
- Selecting the Summary tab specifies the receive and send destination (in the case of a request-response operation) JNDI names, the connection factory JNDI name, ActivationSpec JNDI name, failed event replay JNDI name, the function selector class name and data format used for data transformation. With the exception of the function selector class name and data format, they are names generated by the SCA JMS handler if you did not specify any custom JNDI names. You may need these JNDI names if you are authoring the targeted JMS application.
What to do next
You have created an MQ JMS binding for your export. Compare this approach with creating an MQ JMS import binding.
Related tasks:
Generate an MQ JMS import binding