IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Get started with IBM BPM > Key concepts > Bindings > Export and import binding configuration
Data format transformation in imports and exports
When an export or import binding is configured in IBM Integration Designer, one of the configuration properties that you specify is the data format used by the binding.
- For export bindings, in which a client application sends requests to and receives responses from an SCA component, you indicate the format of the native data.
The system selects the appropriate data handler or data binding to transform the native data to a business object, and conversely to transform the business object to native data.
- For import bindings, in which an SCA component sends requests to and receives responses from a service outside the module, you indicate the data format of the native data.
The system selects the appropriate data handler or data binding to transform the business object to native data and vice versa.
IBM BPM provides a set of predefined data formats and corresponding data handlers or data bindings that support the formats. You can also create your own custom data handlers and register the data format for those data handlers.
- Data handlers are protocol-neutral and transform data from one format to another.
In IBM BPM, data handlers typically transform native data (such as XML, CSV, and COBOL) to a business object and a business object to native data. Because they are protocol-neutral, you can reuse the same data handler with a variety of export and import bindings.
For example, you can use the same XML data handler with an HTTP export or import binding or with a JMS export or import binding.
- Data bindings are protocol-specific and transform data from one format to another.
For example, an HTTP data binding can be used with an HTTP export or import binding only. Unlike data handlers, an HTTP data binding cannot be reused with an MQ export or import binding.
Deprecated HTTP data bindings as of IBM BPM V7.0...
- HTTPStreamDataBindingSOAP
- HTTPStreamDataBindingXML
- HTTPServiceGatewayDataBinding)
Use data handlers whenever possible.
Export and import binding configuration
Related information:
Developing data handlers