IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal
Verifying Process Portal
After configuring Process Portal, use the Process Portal verification page to make sure that the applications used by Process Portal are all accessible and that Process Portal is working.
- Verify that all the applications used by Process Portal are accessible.
- Using a web browser, open the URL for the IBM BPM Process Portal verification page.
Where BPM_host is the host name or IP address of your IBM BPM server or routing server, and port is the port number used for the Process Portal service.
Process Portal URLs for HTTP and HTTPS Protocol Port Process Portal URL HTTP Default (80) http:// BPM_host/ProcessPortal/web_test HTTP Non-default http:// BPM_host: port/ProcessPortal/web_test HTTPS Default (443) https:// BPM_host/ProcessPortal/web_test HTTPS Non-default https:// BPM_host: port/ProcessPortal/web_test - If you are prompted for them, enter a valid user ID and password.
- If you cannot log on to Process Portal, perform the following actions:
- Verify that you are using the correct URL. Try using an IP address instead of a host name.
- If you get no logon window, or you get an HTTP error 404, page not found, or WebGroup/Virtual Host error, try the following actions.
- If you use a proxy server:
- Check the proxy server’s SystemOut.log file. Any messages similar to the following: TCPC0003E: TCP Channel TCP_7 initialization failed. The socket bind failed for host * and port 80. The port may already be in use. probably indicate that another service is using the same port number. If there is a conflict, you must change the proxy port number and virtual host port number manually to avoid any possible conflicts.
Tip: To check or change the virtual host settings for the proxy server, in the administrative console, click Environment > Virtual Hosts.
If you change the proxy server port number, also check whether step 1.c.iv applies.
- Check that the /ProcessPortal context root for the Process Portal web application is correctly mapped.
- If you are using an HTTP server as a routing server, check the web module mapping.
- Verify that you are using a valid user ID and password to access Process Portal.
- If you use a proxy server and are not using the default ports for http and https (80 or 443) perform the following actions:
- Verify that the non-default ports that you are using for HTTP and HTTPS are redirected. Using the administrative console, click Environment > Virtual Hosts, and add the non-default host aliases for your servers to the default_host list.
For example if you use port 81 for HTTP and port 444 for HTTPS, add *:81 and *:444 .
- If you use host names for the proxy servers rather than IP addresses, for each proxy server, make sure that host name of the proxy server is in the host files for the dmgr and the proxy server itself.
- Restart the dmgr.
- Configure the proxy server to add a rewriting rule for the application server SSL host name and port. On the admin console, Servers > WebSphere proxy servers > server_name Proxy Settings > HTTP Proxy Server Settings > Rewriting rules > New, for From URL pattern enter the protocol, host, port, and wildcard for the application server SSL service, for example https://app_server_host_name:9483/* . For To URL pattern enter the protocol, host, port, and wildcard for the proxy server SSL service, for example, https://proxy_server_host_name:444/*.
- Synchronize the managed nodes with the dmgr using the syncNode command from the profile_root/bin directory or from the First steps console for the profile. Use the following syntax:
- deployment_manager port
Where deployment_manager is the host name or IP address of the dmgr, and port is the port number. For more information about the syncNode command, see
syncNode command in the WebSphere Application Server information center.
- Try to open the Process Portal URL again.
- If the IBM BPM Process Portal verification page is displayed, verify that each application listed on the page has a check mark next to it. If any applications are marked with an x, there is a problem that must be resolved with that application before Process Portal can work fully. If there are problems, consider the following.
- Click the application name for more information about it.
- If you have a three or four cluster environment:
- Check that the server that is used for routing, for example a proxy server, is running.
- Depending on whether you have a three-cluster or four-cluster topology, the applications required by Process Portal reside on different clusters. For detail about where each application resides, refer to the following table.
- Verify that the routing server is set up correctly. In particular, check that the web modules are available on the routing server:
- If you use the WebSphere Application Server proxy server, make sure that the web module virtual hosts are mapped to the WebSphere Application Server proxy server virtual host, and that the WebSphere Application Server virtual host includes the host and port of the proxy server.
- If you use an HTTP server, make sure that the web module is mapped to the web server.
- For the applications that have a problem, perform the corresponding checks that are listed in the following table.
Troubleshooting problems shown on the IBM BPM Process Portal verification page Application Application name prefix Default cluster in four-cluster topology Default cluster in three-cluster topology Things to check Process Portal IBM_BPM_Process_Portal_ Web Support
- Verify that Process Portal is configured.
- Check that the EAR files are available on the routing server.
Process Portal Notification IBM_BPM_Process_Portal_Notification_ Web Support Process Portal Theme (WebDAV) mm.was_ Web Support WLE REST Services IBM_BPM_Teamworks_ Application deployment target Application deployment target
- Verify that application deployment target cluster is available.
- Verify that the IBM_BPM_Teamworks_ application is installed.
- Verify that the web modules in the EAR file are available on the routing server.
Business Space BSpaceEAR_ Web Support
- Verify that Business Space is configured.
- Verify that the EAR files are available on the routing server.
Business Space Theme (WebDAV) mm.was_ Web Support Mashups mm.was_ Web Support - Verify that Process Portal works.
- Open Process Portal. Using a web browser to access the URLs for your Process Portal.
Where BPM_host is the host name or IP address of your IBM BPM server or routing server, and port is the port number used for the Process Portal service.
Process Portal URLs for HTTP and HTTPS Protocol Port Process Portal URL HTTP Default (80) http:// BPM_host/portal HTTP Non-default http:// BPM_host: port/portal HTTPS Default (443) https:// BPM_host/portal HTTPS Non-default https:// BPM_host: port/portal If you use HTTP and HTTPS protocols, verify both URLs.
- Verify that the Process Portal is displayed and can be used.
If you receive the message SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /BusinessSpace/ has not been defined. and you have a three or four-cluster topology, this indicates that the /BusinessSpace ( BSpaceEAR_) application is not deployed and mapped to the routing server. To solve this problem configure a suitable routing server as described in Configure Process Portal.
Process Portal is working and users can use a web browser to interact with processes.