IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure components > Configure additional components > Configure Process Portal > Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal

Configure the Business Space Ajax proxy

You might want to modify the Business Space Ajax proxy for special considerations in Process Portal, such as changing timeout settings or blocking IP addresses for secure production environments.

The Ajax proxy file, proxy-config.xml, is located in the following location if you are using the environment that is shipped with IBM BPM:

profile_root/BusinessSpace/ node_name/ server_name/

For issues with the Ajax proxy, see IBM Mashups tech notes at

The Ajax proxy is configured to be closed by default but provides a default policy that allows access to all Business Space endpoints for Process Portal. Follow the steps in Adding proxy polices to the Business Space Ajax proxy to allow access for additional URLs, and follow the steps in Blocking IP addresses using the Business Space Ajax proxy to restrict access to specific IP addresses.


  1. Modify the proxy-config.xml file as needed.

    For example, if you are changing the timeout settings for the Business Space Ajax proxy, you modify the proxy:value for socket-timeout.

  2. Run the updateBlobConfig command using the wsadmin scripting client, designating the -serverName and -nodeName parameters for a stand-alone server or -clusterName for a cluster, -propertyFileName with the value of the path for the proxy-config.xml file, and -prefix with the value Mashups_.

    The following example uses Jython:

    AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName "profile_root/BusinessSpace/node_name/server_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"]')

    The following example uses Jacl:

    $AdminTask updateBlobConfig {-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName "profile_root/BusinessSpace/node_name/server_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"}

    $AdminConfig save

Configure the Business Space component for Process Portal