IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Customize and rebranding interfaces > Customize Process Portal > Building Process Portal spaces > Federation considerations for Process Portal spaces

Naming considerations for federating lists of processes and tasks in the Human Tasks Management widgets

Federated lists combine the query results from all the configured systems in a domain. Queries in federated domains originate from saved searches and query tables in the configured systems. To federate query results, you must follow certain conventions when you create saved searches and query tables.

Naming considerations for saved searches and query tables

If you want the results of saved searches and query tables to be merged in federated environments, use the following naming conventions:

Naming considerations for process and task properties

In federated environments, process and task properties can also be federated. These properties correspond to the search columns specified in a saved search for a business process definition (BPD), and the attributes defined for BPEL processes and human tasks in a query table. If you want the properties to be merged in federated environments, use the common attributes for process and task properties in the Query Table Builder.

Naming considerations for business data

You often need to include business data, such as customer information, in the information shown in the Human Task Management widgets. You can add business data to both the saved searches and the query tables that you use to create the list of processes and tasks that are shown in the widgets.

If you want business data attributes to be included in the federated results, you must know how the business data was defined in the saved search. Based on the search alias that was used for a property in the saved search, apply the following naming conventions to the corresponding property name in the query table.

The following table shows examples of saved search names and their equivalent query table names.

Examples of search aliases and query table property names
Search alias Query table property name
customer_name BDCUSTOMER__NAME
customer_Name BDCUSTOMER___NAME

Federation considerations for Process Portal spaces

Related tasks:
Create saved searches for Human Task Management widgets
Create query tables for Human Task Management widgets