5.3.4 Validating the eXtreme Scale integration


5.3.4 Validating the eXtreme Scale integration

Now that the eXtreme Scale and Portal Integration environment is ready, validate the operational correctness of the environment. The best way to validate the operation is to check if session persistence is working with eXtreme Scale. We used the following procedure to conduct this test.

1. We created a simple portlet that adds data to the session, retrieves it from session, and displays it. Then we deployed and started the portlet.

2. From the messages in the SystemOut.log of the Portal server, the connection to the grid occurred as shown in Example 5-10.

Example 5-10 Log entries on the Portal application server showing the grid connection

[10/29/10 1:32:59:350 EDT] 00000079 HttpSessionFi A   CWWSM0007I: Using the 
ObjectGrid based Session Manager. 

[10/29/10 1:33:00:194 EDT] 00000079 JvmMemoryUtil I   CWOBJ4542I: Basic 
BackingMap memory sizing is enabled.

[10/29/10 1:33:00:225 EDT] 00000079 ObjectGridImp I   CWOBJ4700I: The map name 
objectgridSessionAttribute matched the regular expression of template map 
objectgridSessionAttribute.*.  The objectgridSessionAttribute map has been 
created for ObjectGrid session.

3. We accessed the portlet so that data was added to the session object. In our sample environment we added a few items to the cart, as shown in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13 Sample Shopping Cart portlet

4. We viewed the xsadmin output to see if session data was stored in the grid. The xsadmin output from this sample environment is shown in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14 Sample xsadmin output

For details on how to use xsadmin, see Section 5.4.1, Monitoring eXtreme Scale with the xsadmin utility.

5. In a failover situation, users need be able to retrieve the data they added to the session before the failover. We restarted the Portal application server to initiate a failover scenario.

6. Then we refreshed the Shopping Cart portlet and checked to see if the items we added to the cart before restarting the server had persisted.

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